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bull crosses old hat

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I certainley hope they do thin out mate. Too many cocks and wannabes have latched onto the breed purely for the "look at me im hard" factor. In the right hands this breed has alot to offer to lurcher

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not quite , there is no lurcher out there that will give 100% on every quarry like a (well bred) bullx. Its not saying they are the best lurcher, its the tenacity that you get from the x, that no othe

I certainley hope they do thin out mate. Too many cocks and wannabes have latched onto the breed purely for the "look at me im hard" factor. In the right hands this breed has alot to offer to lurcher world but sadly its the negative side of the breed that seems to be hitting the limelight just recentley. This breed has been on the circuit for many years now but in the past ten years or so has reached nigh on plague proportions. Hopefully its hit a high that cannot be surpassed so the only way for it now is a steady decline. I for one will be glad when this happens. Atb stabba

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