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Starting out with Border terrier.

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First of all I apologise for my user name, I originally singed up too this site about 2 years ago and was a bit immature in picking the name. Just starting to use the site more lately so taught I'd make a post.


With the game season over now I went to get out with the terrier a bit more in the next few month or (before the heavy cover comes back on the ditches).


First of all, I have a male border terrier, he's two years old now got him last summer I've brought him out a good few times to earths both there's never been anything at home.


I was out shooting pheasants about a month or so ago and walking along a ditch I see a likely looking earth and since the terrier was tagging along with me and the springer I said fck it I'll send him in. He was in for about 10-15 mins when next thing a fox comes bolting out, he ran along in the ditch and didn't present a shot at all. Altough annoyed at not having got the fox I was delighted because finally I'd seen the dog go into a earth.


So some basic questions,


>Whats the best locator collar to get, bellman and flint is a brand I've heard of but there pretty expensive?


>I'll be doing it alone so what equipment should I be bringing?


> Whats the first things I should be doing when I come across a earth?


>Your opinion on border terriers for earth work?


Cheers for reading.


P.s Who should I pm in relation to getting my username changed(if its possible at all)

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I woulnd nt have a border anymore. They let me down to many time s :unsure: Ive gone threw to many to get a decent one. But yours seem to be heading the right direction an atb wiyh him sounds promising, I still have the old deben mk 1 terrier finder I like it but im sure ill be laughed at see I never had any problems with it. Although i remember reading here not so long ago, b n f are expencive but can you put a price on your working terrier.

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I run Border's and find them the same as any other terrier, some enter easily some are slower , i had a Border dog enter at 10 months and ive had Borders take till 2 years for the penny to drop, as always too many lads want instant gratification and if there dog isnt being dug to by 9 months its a shitter !!!, if you take your time you stand a much better chance of rearing a keeper as you have already found out, one thing i will say is bolting one fox does not mean he's going to be an earth dog but it certainly is a step in the right direction,

I also use the Deben Long Range Finder and have never had any problems, a lot of lads will tell you to buy the B&F but it is pricey and i think for what your probably going to do the Deben is probably a plenty good enough, they all do the jobs even the old MK1 debens are better than having nothing at all

Edited by Coyotehunter
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