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1-28-12 HUNT

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The boy and I got out with a friend who has access to some really nice land with alot of large doser piles...We couldnt have asked for better day, it was sunny and had snowed the night before covering the ground with about 2" of the white stuff, temp was around 32-33 f ...When we are hunting these large piles we generaly have two terriers and one draw dog on the ground, yesterday we opted to have both draw dogs on the ground and two terriers, reason being one of the draw dogs is a pup on his first season...


The first pile we hit produced one nice sized coon...Couldnt have been much easier, the terriers (my friends dog and my bitch pup, also her first season) worked the coon to the edge of the pile so all it took were a couple of quick saw cuts and the draw dogs did their thing, coon was dispatched and skinned out...The dogs lost all interest in that pile telling us it was time to move to the next one...



On second pile we hit the mother-load :yes: ...Rob swapped out his dog terrier for another dog and we left my bitch pup ( year and a half same age as my draw dog ) out...We took three more plus one bolter with that combination of dogs ...I do believe we had a total of 5 bolts out of that pile ( all of which made it out of the pile while the terriers were working other coons ) one of them climbed up a nearby tree and was shot and killed with a 22 pistol, unfortunately it got hung in the tree but no worries the land owner brought out an ak 47 to do a little tree triming :thumbs: one more collected and skinned out...Thinking back it probably would have been wise to have had someone stand back with one of the draw dogs just to catch the bolters...After the other three were skinned we swapped the terriers again this time it was my dog (dog in avatar ) and one of Robs bitches...They took the final one from that pile...



After that it was over the hills and through the woods we go until my dog located one in a ground set that was to tight for him ( thankfully ) it would have been a nightmare to dig in that spot...The sett was located under a huge tree with monster size roots...Dog was pulled and and put on lead until we put some distance between us and that sett...After we had walked approximately anoth 1/4 mile or so my dog located another coon inside of a large hedge tree that had split and half of it was growing down into the ground Bruno was having issues with the draw so we opened it up a bit with the saw and it was drawn by Rob's draw dog... After we took that one ( # 6 ) we decided to call it a day...



All the dogs worked great, the only one that I found to be disappointing was my boy's pup, on the last coon, before the tree was opened with the saw and the draw dog was brought in we let the pup have a shot and there was way too much baying for my taste and then to top it off when we were walking back to the truck the little sh*t jumped my dog...Go figure, his pup had the opportunity to work quarry but instead would rather fight another dog :censored: ...


Didnt get much for pictures









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Where abouts in the USA you hunting g2g? Do you ever get any barn hunting? Do you lamp the coon or is it just day time with terriers? Do you feed the skinned coon to the dogs?



Illinois, no I have never barn hunted but I'm going to try to get down to southern Illinois soon, I got a couple friends down there that said they have some barns lined up...never lamped before but Ive been out a couple times at night with coon hounds when I was a kid and I can say I prefer hunting them during the day with the terriers...yes I have fed the carcasses to my dogs...





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Sounds like a good do mate. Is there much risk of parasites or disease being passed from the coon to the dogs? About 15 months ago I had the pleasure of hunting with Kye and some other lads in Missouri. Running terriers through derelict houses. It was good craic. They always talked up the barn hunting, but I had to go back to work just before they went. Something I definitely plan on doing in the future. Do you work your terriers on anything else?

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"Is there much risk of parasites or disease being passed from the coon to the dogs?"



Yes there is, but the carcasses I fed my dogs had been boiled first and I think the main concern is from the intestines and feces...



Information in the link below about the main threat from parisites concerning coons...It would be a good idea for you guys to read the article about racoon roundworms since there are some of them over there...





I'm pretty sure I've seen some of their pictures of their barn hunts, huge numbers... :icon_eek: The one that sticks out in my memory is where someone is lying on a pile of coons in a room of a barn, I dont think you can see any of the floor for all the coons...


To date I have taken coons, ground hogs, possums, feral cats, skunks :bad: , and a mink with my terriers...Yet to come across a fox or badger and you never know might come across a beaver since I hunt alot of creek banks...





Better late than never... :icon_redface:



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