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Out for a Couple of Hours .....!

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Bit of a busmans holiday for me to be honest being involved in pest control every working day but it was nice to get out with some young ferrets and a pocket-full of nets to do some small open buries without the need to get results.

It was on an old bank that is normally waist deep in nettles later in the year that has just a few isolated one or two hole buries..........I think the largest had four holes and these are ideal for giving the underworked youngsters some practice.

It felt like going back to my youth again, just me, the lurcher and a handful of nets how things used to be in the good old days. Some of the jobs i get to do nowadays as a full time pest controller involve over 200 purse nets, long nets, stop nets and the whole episode is a mammoth undertaking planned so as not to lose a single bunny if at all possible.

Anyway..........just four bunnies in the bag.........the ferrets worked well (even if the nettles had livened up their feet somewhat) and the old lurcher marked well and was there, as usual, to hold the netted rabbits till i could get to them..........A pleasure to be out for a couple of hours and a good time was had by all......Happy Day's...!





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Nice write up mate,its always nice to have a no pressure day,ive had a couple of lads up this season so im under pressure to show them some rabbits,but in march im off up woodgas for a break so no pressure for me its all on woodga :laugh: i hope we get a rabbit :whistling::laugh:

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It's just great to be able to enjoy a couple of hours doing what i love without the pressure of HAVING to produce results.....still gives me just as much pleasure to catch one or two for the pot as it does to catch a hundred or more........i have never been into the numbers game.....just nice to relax and watch the animals do what they are bred for.....!

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