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Still to young for ground work in my opinion, take them out with a experienced terrier to learn the underground work. Just let them listen to the older dog to start with, then when you have a dig swap the terriers over by placing a spade between dog and fox and give the pup 5 minutes of baying at it :yes:


:laugh: Liam

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collar it up and walk out over foxing looking ground, i like a dog to find its fox and work it not reley on another dog, downside this can take longer

it needs to no what its looking for before it looks for it bearinator hit the nail on the head his theory worked for me
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bring it along on digs ,tie it up and let is hear what goin on ,give it rag or two above ground and a look behind the spade when you think its mature enough.Dont rush the pups ,cause thats all they still are.You may think they are ready but they are still pups.Its very easy to break a dog its very hard to make a dog

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self enter the whole way.Id only give them the stop end as a very last resort and it would only ever happen once.The key is to be patient and not rush them they ll go when there ready.9 months old is to young imo even if they are screaming to get to ground.It would do them a world better to hold them off till 14months.I have terriers here that did nt see anything til 18 mnths and 1 was over 2 years old and there flying.I think the more mature thet are when you start them the better it is for them.Another thing is my terriers never get or got anything above ground there soley earth dogs to me and thats the way it will stay. :thumbs:

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Shave your head and get a few tattoos mate or you will never enter that pup to ground , lol.There are a few lads out there that are past masters at starting a pup .The key is patience without which you may lose faith in your pup .There are many that say a dog shouldnt see much til its over a year but there are also plenty that start them younger .The key is not too much ive found ,leave them wanting and winning .The type i keep are slow starter ,ive learnt that, but i know a few strains that benefit from an early look ie wheeler .Not a great lover of the hole ending thing as i believe this fires a dog up too much and IME leads to a short ,hi octane life if you know what i mean .Getting the pup on rats neither adds to or spoils it for earth work as some would have it ,its just a good way to pass the time while the pup matures if thats what it needs .All the advice on here adds up to nothing if you dont follow your own head on when its ready .

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