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Dealing with the Ignorant

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There comes a time which all hunters will come across, when the 'not-so-informed' come and feel like they need to express their strong opinions towards you. I myself, being a beginner have experienced this on a couple occasions and I'm certain that the more experienced hunters among you have also experienced this. I only start this topic because I want to know how you deal with people who aren't education (Or lack common sense) in Hunting.

Last night I had a very pleasant conversation with a women who found it extremely repulsive to eat wild animals (Obviously referring to when I went out hunting and cooked a Rabbit). I took her opinion with peace and let her continue after I explained why me and hundreds of millions others in the world sometimes feel that going to the market and buying meat doesn't always suit my needs, and going out into my permissions and hunting and cooking my own caught rabbit suits me, and only costs me the amount of the pellet (Which Isn't really alot).


Cutting the story short, she left in a perhaps more closed mind about hunting, and I felt pretty annoyed really about the situation.


Anyway, How do you deal with the ill-informed about hunting, about the dangers/damages and diseases which can be spread through vermin pests?


Would just like to know your opinions :)



Rant over! Time for the :drink:



Edit: It always helps to be polite and courteous! Don't argue back! Haha

Edited by Nade
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feck off you knob please.....

Try this- I avoid most meats available at the super market cos I strongly disagree with battery farming and the amount of waste that the meat industry creates, both environmentally and morally due to

I remember when I was about 16 I was getting peeler bait for fishing, this involved checking crevices in the rocks to see if swimmer crabs were in there, getting them out and removing the bottom of on

Just remind them politely that ALL animals are wild and just because the pig, cow and chicken she ate last week was wrapped in plastic does not make it any less wild before someone cut it's throat and it bled to death.


I have had it before and used the above, closing with "I understand and respect your thinking, you have your opinions, I have mine so guess we'll just agree to disagree on this one" finish with a gentle smile not a cheesey or sarcastic grin and then continue on your way :yes:



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It's always a touchy issue mate....i've only really had it happen once whilst leaving one of my permissions carring a full game bag. And a few slung over the shoulder..Now i aint no conservationist and nor do i know how to deal with people who get in my face very well(another touchy subject for another day). But upon leaving the field i had been on for most of the day a couple with thier kids were walking up the lane..more out of respect i tried to shield the kids from the rabbit's only for the women to come over calling me all the names under the sun.Now i quite a pleasant guy but there comes a time with people that you have to say summit back.She was saying it was discustig how a grown man can go out and kill nice little rabbits and then strut round without a care in the world with them on display...I had tried to explain to here that i was doing a job for the farmer who own horse's and he wanted the rabbits gone as they were digging holes all over his land..this sent her into a rage lol.....her husband in fairness was perplexed with her attitude but i susspect he didnt have the stones to say anything to her....She started demanding the farmers name and address so she could go and give him a piece of her mind...which i didnt obviously...then she threatened to call the police cause i was poaching lol...which i told her to go ahead and do much to her annoyance...Anyway about 30 mins later and still ranting i explained that rabbit number's needed to be controlled otherwise diseases would spread like wildfire and the last thing people would want is to see suffering rabbits littering the countryside...she seemed to listern to what i was saying then thank god.....i also explained that all culling of rabbits are done humanly and quickly and no suffering is caused..i also said that none of the rabbits were to be wasted as they were going into the food chain...she seemed to dislike that but kept her gob shut....Anyway after all that i was talking to her husband who used to do a bit when he was younger and explained how he would like to get back into it..i laughed and looked towards his wife who was now walking down the lane with the kids in toe.....he looked at me and laughed also and appologised no end for his wife's behaviour...i said look mate everyone has there own opinion on hunting and obviously your wife does not like it...



In fairness Nade you held your tounge well and tried to explain the issue's of vermin to someone who obviously dislikes our sport alot....Maybe she will now look upon Hunting is a diferent light thanks to you being calm and explaining. You did the right thing just a shame there are so many misinformed people out there


Good Work buddy :thumbs:


ATB Stevo

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Try this- I avoid most meats available at the super market cos I strongly disagree with battery farming and the amount of waste that the meat industry creates, both environmentally and morally due to the distress caused to the animals. Since vegetarianism isn't my thing at all, the only way I can guarantee that what I eat has lived a happy natural organic life, and has been killed as humanely as possible is to kill it myself, while at the same time I am doing my bit for the enviroment as everything I shoot has a negative impact on it.

I've even had hardcore vegans agreeing with that line of thought.


Course, if that doesnt work I tell 'em to fekk off, but at least I try...


Cheers, wurz

Edited by gurtwurz
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  On 29/01/2012 at 14:19, StevoSmith said:

It's always a touchy issue mate....i've only really had it happen once whilst leaving one of my permissions carring a full game bag. And a few slung over the shoulder..Now i aint no conservationist and nor do i know how to deal with people who get in my face very well(another touchy subject for another day). But upon leaving the field i had been on for most of the day a couple with thier kids were walking up the lane..more out of respect i tried to shield the kids from the rabbit's only for the women to come over calling me all the names under the sun.Now i quite a pleasant guy but there comes a time with people that you have to say summit back.She was saying it was discustig how a grown man can go out and kill nice little rabbits and then strut round without a care in the world with them on display...I had tried to explain to here that i was doing a job for the farmer who own horse's and he wanted the rabbits gone as they were digging holes all over his land..this sent her into a rage lol.....her husband in fairness was perplexed with her attitude but i susspect he didnt have the stones to say anything to her....She started demanding the farmers name and address so she could go and give him a piece of her mind...which i didnt obviously...then she threatened to call the police cause i was poaching lol...which i told her to go ahead and do much to her annoyance...Anyway about 30 mins later and still ranting i explained that rabbit number's needed to be controlled otherwise diseases would spread like wildfire and the last thing people would want is to see suffering rabbits littering the countryside...she seemed to listern to what i was saying then thank god.....i also explained that all culling of rabbits are done humanly and quickly and no suffering is caused..i also said that none of the rabbits were to be wasted as they were going into the food chain...she seemed to dislike that but kept her gob shut....Anyway after all that i was talking to her husband who used to do a bit when he was younger and explained how he would like to get back into it..i laughed and looked towards his wife who was now walking down the lane with the kids in toe.....he looked at me and laughed also and appologised no end for his wife's behaviour...i said look mate everyone has there own opinion on hunting and obviously your wife does not like it...



In fairness Nade you held your tounge well and tried to explain the issue's of vermin to someone who obviously dislikes our sport alot....Maybe she will now look upon Hunting is a diferent light thanks to you being calm and explaining. You did the right thing just a shame there are so many misinformed people out there


Good Work buddy :thumbs:


ATB Stevo


I remember when I was about 16 I was getting peeler bait for fishing, this involved checking crevices in the rocks to see if swimmer crabs were in there, getting them out and removing the bottom of one leg to see if the skin had formed underneath aso confirming they were peeler bait. Well this rather buxom woman came down the beach to ask me what I was doing, I explained and she hit me, so I dropped the large and rather angry swimmer crab that I had just checked and was not a peeler down her cleavage!


She ran screaming up the beach next thing I know this bearded pillock in coke bottle glasses, long hair, knee length shorts and desert wellies (looked like Jesus with Fred Scuttle glasses) came running down the beach threatening to thump me, so I picked up my crab stick (length of fork handle with 2 dirty great metal prongs on the end) and threatened to hit him back. He retreats up the beach and bogs off. Next thing I know, sirens and blue lights. Sergeant Woods appears (his son was in my patrol at scouts so we were aquainted - to the extent he sometimes bought edible crabs from me). Asked me what was going on, I explained, showed him the marks on my face from where she slapped me, he goes, "Nasty, self defence your actions!" Goes up the beach and arrests them... They spent a few hours in the cells had all their details taken, and were officially cautioned...

Edited by secretagentmole
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  On 29/01/2012 at 19:05, secretagentmole said:
  On 29/01/2012 at 14:19, StevoSmith said:

It's always a touchy issue mate....i've only really had it happen once whilst leaving one of my permissions carring a full game bag. And a few slung over the shoulder..Now i aint no conservationist and nor do i know how to deal with people who get in my face very well(another touchy subject for another day). But upon leaving the field i had been on for most of the day a couple with thier kids were walking up the lane..more out of respect i tried to shield the kids from the rabbit's only for the women to come over calling me all the names under the sun.Now i quite a pleasant guy but there comes a time with people that you have to say summit back.She was saying it was discustig how a grown man can go out and kill nice little rabbits and then strut round without a care in the world with them on display...I had tried to explain to here that i was doing a job for the farmer who own horse's and he wanted the rabbits gone as they were digging holes all over his land..this sent her into a rage lol.....her husband in fairness was perplexed with her attitude but i susspect he didnt have the stones to say anything to her....She started demanding the farmers name and address so she could go and give him a piece of her mind...which i didnt obviously...then she threatened to call the police cause i was poaching lol...which i told her to go ahead and do much to her annoyance...Anyway about 30 mins later and still ranting i explained that rabbit number's needed to be controlled otherwise diseases would spread like wildfire and the last thing people would want is to see suffering rabbits littering the countryside...she seemed to listern to what i was saying then thank god.....i also explained that all culling of rabbits are done humanly and quickly and no suffering is caused..i also said that none of the rabbits were to be wasted as they were going into the food chain...she seemed to dislike that but kept her gob shut....Anyway after all that i was talking to her husband who used to do a bit when he was younger and explained how he would like to get back into it..i laughed and looked towards his wife who was now walking down the lane with the kids in toe.....he looked at me and laughed also and appologised no end for his wife's behaviour...i said look mate everyone has there own opinion on hunting and obviously your wife does not like it...



In fairness Nade you held your tounge well and tried to explain the issue's of vermin to someone who obviously dislikes our sport alot....Maybe she will now look upon Hunting is a diferent light thanks to you being calm and explaining. You did the right thing just a shame there are so many misinformed people out there


Good Work buddy :thumbs:


ATB Stevo


I remember when I was about 16 I was getting peeler bait for fishing, this involved checking crevices in the rocks to see if swimmer crabs were in there, getting them out and removing the bottom of one leg to see if the skin had formed underneath aso confirming they were peeler bait. Well this rather buxom woman came down the beach to ask me what I was doing, I explained and she hit me, so I dropped the large and rather angry swimmer crab that I had just checked and was not a peeler down her cleavage!


She ran screaming up the beach next thing I know this bearded pillock in coke bottle glasses, long hair, knee length shorts and desert wellies (looked like Jesus with Fred Scuttle glasses) came running down the beach threatening to thump me, so I picked up my crab stick (length of fork handle with 2 dirty great metal prongs on the end) and threatened to hit him back. He retreats up the beach and bogs off. Next thing I know, sirens and blue lights. Sergeant Woods appears (his son was in my patrol at scouts so we were aquainted - to the extent he sometimes bought edible crabs from me). Asked me what was going on, I explained, showed him the marks on my face from where she slapped me, he goes, "Nasty, self defence your actions!" Goes up the beach and arrests them... They spent a few hours in the cells had all their details taken, and were officially cautioned...



Good on ya lad, there all high horses and willing to hit you, lay a finger on the cents and there right on the phone to the old bill!


Some people need a feckin good kick in the c**t

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first on the agenda ask 'who are you' then ask 'have you permision to be on this land'.


then inform them theres a few other full bore shooters and infact your probably in danger because they dont know your on this land..and infact, your trespasing.


hehehe i've hid before now, just because i could not be ars90ed to deal with them... theyre deff to anything other than what they want to hear so why bother?



my favourate is quote a few rat figures, it ends up not far a million rats in 5 years, all because some do gooder let that ONE go... if they dont get the jist on that, ring the bill..

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I've never really had to deal with anything like this yet as my permission is fairly out of the way, Saying that i have had a few people stop and stare at me when getting the gun out of the car ect or just stood there in camo........simply smile and wave and they soon go away :thumbs:


I always try to be polite if I do come across someone though as I always like to think I am doing my best to Put across the sport (especially one as controversial as shooting/hunting) as polity as I can, as because just because someone disagrees with our sport, they may not have necessarily have put there views across to an active participant in our sport before, so simply being polite may slightly change there views on the subject....possibly :icon_redface:





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