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hunting with dogs in france.

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I spent a bit of time in France a few years ago , the markets are full of fresh caught game , rabbits , hares ,hang on the stalls skinned , but for some reason they leave the heads on , the same with birds , all plucked except the neck and head , in the news agents you can see an assortment of glossy hunting magazines it seems hunting is accepted as the norm . While I was there I asked a policman who spoke english to clarify the law on running dogs , he said he didn,t know but every english man he met always worries to much ,and if we,d have had a revolution three hundred years ago the goverment wouldn,t be so keen to fek about with our civil liberties , I had to agree with him ,

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I think a lot depends on the relationship you have with the local mayor: mayors of communes are God in France: what they say goes, and if you have the savvy to introduce yourself to them, get in with them and they are a decent sort, then that makes all the difference. The French are a funny bunch, but if you live as they live, learn their language and generally fit in, they are fine. If you want to go over there all ex pat and lord it: expect the worst. Of course it depends on how heavily your local area is hunted, and if you upset what they are doing. France is a huge country, and obviously attitudes differ from place to place, but out in the sticks where it is still very rural, away from big towns, then what the eye don't see......... etc.


Edited to say; Skycat your too sensible for your own good :laugh:


It's called being old :laugh:

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