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hunting with dogs in france.

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anyone with any experience of hunting with dogs in france [lurchers] i know you are required to sit an exam for a hunting permit and the season runs from sept to feb [good idea] and there is a list of species you can hunt but i think this refers mainly to shooting fraternity does this exam apply to hunting with dogs as well .


was wondering about peoples experiences etc while hunting over there may get the oppotunity in the future to retire over there i am aware of the rabies laws and that they changed again this year would also like to know of peoples experience of bringing a dog back from france or any EU country will be taking my dog this year for 5 weeks but travel on the overnighter to zebrugge from hull .



property still cheap compared to the uk and the inlaws already purchased a farm with land out there south of france. about 80 km south of nevers


thanks in advance

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A real good mate of mine sold up and moved to a 200 acre farm inbetween Toulouse and Spain,he took 5 lurchers and 3 terriers,4 ferrets and a parrot,all had to be fully innoculated for rabies as well as all the other standard shots,it has all been quite a shock to him as he thought he was going to some kind of hunting heaven,this was 5yrs ago now,his biggest problem is "tick fever"it can strike a dog down dead in 24 hrs and is very common,the vets will charge at least 100 euro to jab them when they show the first signs and some need to go on a drip if bad and cost's a lot more,he has lost a few dogs to it now and all the hunting in his area is stitched up by local hunting clubs that mainly shoot,there is plenty of deer and wild boar about but not many rabbits where he is,you also need to licence everything even the ferrets before you can use them,however it is a bit like britain was in the 60's with a slower way of life.There is a shortage of decent terrier's there and he believes JRT's would sell well in his area,he is very disappointed with life in france and now has to work on other farms up to 18hrs a day to keep his going,healthcare costs are paid annually and taxes are still high there,if he could sell up and come home to the life he left he would in a heartbeat,there are a lot of english where he lives and most return home eventually when the reality of life there hits home,to bring your dog home now I think you still have to quarrantine it for a month,this used to be 6 mts,think long and hard before you abandon this pleasant green isle of ours as we have a lot more to offer here than a country with more debt than our own and a currency thats in decline,atb,WM

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this is a what i was led to belive as the lad has lived in france afew years now ( broken coated or rough one would suit me best if thats ok with you as it is a crazy world but here in France we can dig badgers Foxes, Nuria Rat, and hunt Wild boar Deer etc: bullfight and cock fight in some parts still leagaly here in France but it is ileagle to run a hare or Rabit with a Greyhound but other breeds it seems OK it is also not aloud even to lamp anything at night with any dog or even gun (so smooth coated greyhound looking dogs are out of the question I am affraid.) all the best x38

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its an intresting point that,, what x38 has highlighted... if a hound can chase a rabbit or hare,,, but coursing is banned,,, what off the lurcher ??,, at one end of the scale,, is your saluki type,,, then again theres your avrage mut of a lurcher that uses its nose, to flush,, then catch,, in the same way as a hound....... bit of a grey area i would say.


kev from bristol.... tell us a bit more about your experiance in france,, did you travel about much and catch much game ??

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I once sold a pup to some English people living in France. They had their own vineyard. Their dogs used to regularly run hares on their own land, and the woman also told me about someone who had Salukis, lived in the south of France: she used to walk her dogs everywhere on the hills and they coursed a lot. No one batted an eyelid. I think a lot depends on the relationship you have with the local mayor: mayors of communes are God in France: what they say goes, and if you have the savvy to introduce yourself to them, get in with them and they are a decent sort, then that makes all the difference. The French are a funny bunch, but if you live as they live, learn their language and generally fit in, they are fine. If you want to go over there all ex pat and lord it: expect the worst. Of course it depends on how heavily your local area is hunted, and if you upset what they are doing. France is a huge country, and obviously attitudes differ from place to place, but out in the sticks where it is still very rural, away from big towns, then what the eye don't see......... etc.

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well i am going for five weeks and have done for the last few years but as the saying goes when in rome do as the romans IE make the effort to try and learn the language i have enrolled at night school on basic lessons and the french love a tryer even one with a crappy wigan accent.


as for bringing the dog back no problems there is know quarntine the ruless changed jan this year and even tick injections are not required but will be given anyway. the area is around luzy just south of paris reminds you of the lakes but a hell of a lot bigger.


i agree a few ex pats cant hack it but a fair few do a lot of dutch live in france as well and ok i only spend around 60 days a year there would still like to live there it cant be any worse than here.



as regards the dogs or hunting with them it can not be any worse than over here my 6 year break from dogs and ferreting has certainly opened my eyes with just taking the dog out for a bit of road work has had the boys in blue slowing down and having a look. i used not to care about getting pulled but going out in any motor is a no no it just aint worth the hassle i have permission locally but the grass so to speak is always greener on the over side well it aint anymore. i can see hunting with dogs getting a blanket ban in the future on anything over than shot game and you lads who still live pre ban well you got bigger nuts than me. especially with the rspca and boys in blue and keepers sometimes working together were as the flimisit evidence results in a lost motor dogs and sometimes your freedom were as the local smack head come dealer walks round without a care in the world a pocket full of shit to sell to equally bad scumbags who then will sell to anybody including kids who in turn are trying to rob you your friends rest of the street etc and the police do SFA twisted logic if you ask me.

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I think a lot depends on the relationship you have with the local mayor: mayors of communes are God in France: what they say goes, and if you have the savvy to introduce yourself to them, get in with them and they are a decent sort, then that makes all the difference. The French are a funny bunch, but if you live as they live, learn their language and generally fit in, they are fine. If you want to go over there all ex pat and lord it: expect the worst. Of course it depends on how heavily your local area is hunted, and if you upset what they are doing. France is a huge country, and obviously attitudes differ from place to place, but out in the sticks where it is still very rural, away from big towns, then what the eye don't see......... etc.


Edited to say; Skycat your too sensible for your own good :laugh:

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