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An early Morning Walk Round

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I set the alarm for 06.00 to give me plenty of time to get some breakfast and be out to the wood by first light. I just took Fly and the Theoben SLR with two loaded magazines and about 20 spare pellets in a pouch. Well you never know!


We arrived at the parking place in good time. The crows weren't even starting to call whilst I was getting my boots on and organising myself. Fly just sat in the boot patiently, like she does. She is old enough and experienced enough now to know that she will get plenty of freedom to sniff around later.



As we started off across the field to the far side of the dog leg of the wood the eastern sky was lightening and the crows were noisily leaving their roost, chattering amongst themselves like a crowd of commuters on the 06.45 to Euston. There had been a sharp frost and everything on the ground was frozen, so we crunched and cracked our way to the edge of the wood. Fly allowed to go ahead and stretch her legs without control, other than the odd hand signal or facial expression, she would be reigned in once we got to the wood and started to stalk.


As we crossed the fence into the wood I heard a few pigeons clap as they exploded away from the tops of their chosen trees for their nightly refuge. I steadied myself and glassed the silhouetted tree tops for the dark shape of a lingerer. There was one! It was still hunched up, breast facing me at an angle to the right at about 60 yards. I needed to close the gap. We had hardly stepped inside the wood, surely it wouldn't stay there as I made my way from tree to tree in its direction.


Very slowly, easing my weight from one foot to the other and rolling the sole of my boot as it made contact with the ground, I managed to get to the first tree without the pigeon so much as stirring. Fly had been given the hand signal to sit and she remained motionless where I had started from, her sharp eyes on the tree tops, watching for signs of what might lead to breakfast!


I watched the pigeon through my binoculars for a few moments, to check that it wasn't alerted to my position.


I had another 10 yards at least to go before I dare take on a shot. There was a fallen tree to negotiate between me and my next tree, I carefully made my way, like a heron in a pool, across the bottom of the wood, taking care to lessen the noise as the frosted leaves broke, like fracturing glass, under the gently placed weight of my feet. Around me I could hear the sounds of the wood stirring, a couple of cock pheasants called away down the other end, crows were cawing in unison and now the geese, which had arrived just before the frost, were honking as they considered the prospect of leaving the water to fly inland to feed. All the time my cover of darkness was ebbing away as the sun slowly started to rise above the horizon. I pressed on, keeping my face looking at the floor and doing my best not to make any sudden movements or scrunch the frosted leaves too loudly. I thought I sounded like a herd of elephants, but the pigeon din't stir and I made my chosen shooting point.




Now I had to consider the shot, were there any twigs in the way? I carefully searched the path of the pellet to the pigeon for any signs of obstructions and although there was a larch in the way, I found a clear view that I could slot a pellet through. I lined up the cross hairs on the one part of the pigeon that gave me an unobstructed killing shot, just by its thighs. At the angle I was at the pellet would drill its way into the heart and lung area, ensuring a humane finish. I took a breath, slowly let my breath out as I slipped the safety forward, which handily resides just ahead of the trigger, and took up the strain. With the hair steady on aim I stopped breathing out and tightened my squeeze. The rifle jumped and pigeon dropped like a stone.


Fly had a her breakfast after all. I gave a low whistle and she skipped over to me with her tail wagging. I sent her to fetch the bird and considered my next move. I decided to head for some tall trees that were starting to glow gold on their tops. I reasoned that after a cold night the pigeons would probably want to warm up in the sunshine while they waited for the crops to thaw.


It wasn't far and we made good progress. A natural hide was available in the form of a young fir tree. There was a bigger tree I could lean on and the solid background of the fir.


Fly and I settled ourselves in. Within minute a rook alighted in a larch, no more than 30 yards away, which is lucky as that is what the SLR is sighted in at. I didn't hesitate, I just lifted the rifle, took aim and added the corvid to the bag.






The original plan had to be amended because the pigeons were indeed sunning themselves, but not in the trees I was under. There were taller ones on the top of the hill and they were covered in the grey fellows. However, a couple of squirrels could be heard barking, so I decided to go off and try and stalk one or two of them. In this bright sunshine they were bound to be active. I hung the birds in a convenient hazel, ready for collection later and started off.




Just as we got up to stalk down the wood a skein of geese cam elow overhead. I was in my camouflage fleece, I had a Multi cam hat on and was wearing both gloves and a face scrim, even so the geese flared away as they came overhead, geese have such sharp eyes.


The squirrels were indeed active, chasing around the trees at breakneck speed, but not stopping for a moment. Getting a shot was impossible. We wandered on up the slope with the rising sun in our eyes. Pigeons and squirrels made good their escape and a pair of Peregrines cam eover, circling and calling. I could clearly see the bars on the breast of the female as she glided over a few feet above the canopy.


At the top of the wood we turned left, and had the sun over our shoulder, this was better. I sent Fly off to spy for squirrels, she darted off into the Rhodedendron bushes and I heard a cock pheasant lift, hoping it would settle in a tree, I watched it as curled away, flying strongly. These remaining birds are strong, fit and wild as a crow.


Fly came back and we started a different angle, with the sun over our backs any quarry would have the sun in their eyes,so we had a slightly better situation than before. From their lofty perches everything is in view on the ground below, but I saw a squirrel on the ground about 60 yards away. I hissed to Fly to stay by me and got a big tree between me and the squirrel. I made a good 20 yards without the squirrel so much as lifting its head, it was too busy looking for buried treasure.


I was crouched by a tree when the squirrel hopped behind a big old beech, with a load of growth around its base. I took the opportunity to make up some ground and got in behind a big ash, where I could just see the bushy, grey tail flicking in a shaft of sunlight, but that was all. I waited with the rifle to my shoulder, at the half ready. I slipped the safety to speed my acquisition time. The squirrel turned and hopped towards me. I brought the rifle to bear, but its head was down and behind a clump of fallen leaves. As it lifted its head I squeezed the shot away, at the exact same time the squirrel hopped forward. Instead of the pellet finding its mark on the forehead, it buried itself deep into the chest, bowling the squirrel head over heels. Fly dived forward and ragged the stricken squirrel. It was dead anyway, but she likes to make sure.




At that I decided to call it a day. I had to get back to go to work, it had been a good couple of hours but now my tummy was rumbling and home grown poached eggs were beckoning.






I gave Fly her freedom and she galloped off into the woods, free to do her own thing on the way back to the car. I heard a pheasant get disturbed as it took to the air in a huff, but that was a way off from where I could hear Fly. Then another pheasant took wing, that was one she put up. Almost immediately I heard her yelp, normally this means she has found either a squirrel or rabbit, but there was none of the accompanying crashing and running and she game back limping.


I looked at her wound and thought that she had stabbed herself ona sharp branch, it was just above her hock and had punctured the skin and muscle. I walked on back towards the car, but instead of bouncing along beside me, she lagged behind and hardly moved. I called her but she steadfastly refused to come, standing and hanging her head. I walked back to the car and dumped the stuff in it, then retraced my steps to get Fly, she hadn't moved more than a few paces. Obviously in discomfort, I carried her to the car.


Back at home I cleaned her up with a super saturated salt solution and found not one, but two punctre wounds each side of her thigh, just above the hock. I think she had been bitten by a badger or fox hunting those pheasants in the cover. We liberally covered the wounds with Sudocreme and I hope it doesn't mean a visit to the vet on Monday - if the wounds swell and go red, she will be staight down there, but she is at least eating, so that is a good sign. She won't be coming out for a week, that's for sure.

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Hi Acuspell

well done on your hunting trip :thumbs:

hope Fly gets well soon!


and a fantastic read and pics buddy :thumbs: worthy of any shooting magazine :thumbs:


best read in a while on here!


keep em coming





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Fantastic write up there bud was like being there with you and a nice tidy mixed bag.

Keep a really close eye on the wounds the terrier I found with a broken leg we think got bitten by a badger. The infection was that quick under the cast it killed the leg and had to be removed. So like you said if its not healing straight to vets



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Thanks chaps. The Sudocreme has worked its magic (again). Brilliant stuff, but you doneed to give the wound a good wash out with strong saline first.

Boiled water, about a cupful, then just keep adding salt until you cannot get any more to dissolve - a couple of tablespoonfuls at least. Then just bathe the wound (I used kitchen tissue paper) it smarted because she isn't a whimperer, but she squealed when i started and bit at the wound I was washing. I calmed her down and she accepted it after that, just a bit of a shock to the system I think! Dried the wounds off and put a generous dab of Sudocreme on each hole, then GENTLY massaged it in, making sure some went into the actual hole, by getting a "pointy peak" of cream on my finger thatI could actually put the end of into the hole. As soon as we got home, then again at teatime, then again before going to bed - clean wounds this morning with no hint of redness or swelling and she is walking on it and even trotting about and playing with the pup in the garden! Tail wagging, eyes bright and tucked into breakfast. FINGERS CROSSED IT HAS DONE THE TRICK! I shall give her another dose this morning and keep on putting Sudocreme on until it is healed properly. I don't want any infection getting sealed in by a scab.

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