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i got my self a hancock 3/4 greyhound 1/4 border collie as a pup last year, as my old lurcher died at 15, about 4 years ago. starting working him on the lamp at 10 months old, he is 16 months old now....for the last 6 months on the lamp he as been running with no fire. strikeing was terribble..but i didnt want to give up on him to soon. but wat an amazingly fast dog in the day!!!!.and as clever as a 1st cross....but me and my freind went out lamping last friday night and stumbeled on a new place, it was crawling with rabbits!!!!my pup was a diffrent dog..couldnt belive it, we caught 17 rabbits that night. pup had 7 of those, it was like watching a diffrent dog...i was buzzing!!!!! i was hoping it wasnt a fluke?? went out last night,weather was shit...he had 6!!! he was so fired up,it was brilliant to see. i almost give up on him. glad i didnt. thanks for reading guys!!!

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my mate had one good x, good on all quarry, and nice easy temp. It had good nose in the day, and good with ferret's. But regards lamping still good, but i think a 1/4 bull 3/4 grey give bit more drive more full on, if lamping was your main sport. :thumbs:

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mine were exactly the same mate, my dog switched on at about 12 months, went from no interest to a cracking bunny basher. my bitch just coming into her own now at around 14 months.


a good few times i was ready to pack each of them in and move on but i hung in there and it payed off.


one thing i will say is they both "switched on" after about a months lay off from regular walks out trying to get them interested.

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