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Tough day on the ditch

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, today saw us doing a bit on the estate for the keeper who decided ferreting was more fun I think lol , we are clearing round some trout ponds where he gets poachers at night the place has never seen a ferret well not for some years by the look of the place : ) , longnets are the order due to the soft ground they dig like mad so purse netting would take time , anyhow both sides of the ditch had extensive warrens it was crisp clear start to the day beautiful it was we whacked the longnets out on one side my poor mate got the short straw and ended up in the ditch, which hasnt been dug out for some time : ) , so we chucked in 5 jills and waited for the action 19 the tally they bolted well only two digs and two people over the welly in the ditch not me though so I was wetting myself it is fun with the longnets on to tge next side ferrets in 13 out , whilst ferreting this bit I noticed rabbits rabbits at a little spot on the corner so purse netted this while my mate gutted and back filled , two of last summers jills in nothing , got a Mark over the fence in the field 2 foot . I hit chalk so got the probe which shifted a coupel from there a bit more smashing with the spade and it shifted the rest seven in the nets in all , we tidied up and had a quick half a sarnie etc. , then moved down the lane to some scrub and a burry I had earmarked last week , long nets out jills in action Rabbit everywhere again in and out, in the longnet ferrets everywhere great way to finish off, my new star pixie even had one above ground she really sticks with them infact two in a bramble patch today and one outside a hole on the grass, it went quite so called an end, 13 from this warren happy days fifty two rabbits my personal ever best , and there's tons more to do tons : ) we dropped ten in at the pub ten for the butchers and ten for someone else and divided out the rest between us a top top day indeed only fifty in the pic don't know what happens to the two mystery disappearing ones we think a dog or buzzard had them ?????

Edited with more of a write up


Edited by Jamie m
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Well done Jamie mate. Now where's my invite :whistling:

Have you got any long nets , ?????


A stop net and can get a quick set. Never really use them, as the purse nets and dogs do the job :whistling: And we ain't got the terrain for it :laugh:

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Cheers guys you can only catch whats in there, prior to picking up this permision an average bag was 15 but then these are easy warrens so no need to purse net , this is thd permision that came about through someone being nosey one day when I was on a paddock they rang the keeper he came over , I went to the estate office handed in my details and that was that , keep plugging guys and be yourself , oh and this place hasn't seen a ferret or gun for many many years till now ha ha ,

Edited by Jamie m
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