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advice needed a.s.p

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my lad got a lurcher an terrier been buyin chicken from the market were in liverpool problem is its costing at least 20pound aweek for meat without bisciuts so does anyone know around merseyside were you can get it cheaper even tripe he is 16 an at college at the monment so my buying it for him but is mam found out much it was costing and ther is fireworks going off in my house so any help please so he can keep is dogs

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yeah i either get 12 or 16 blocks of that tripe from pet shop, i think its 8 pound, and then i go to my butchers in town, the other week my misses paid a quid for 18 cracusses, i used to order from TPMS, they deliver to your door over 40quid, so if you got a chest freezer do that...the reason i stopped is that my butcher gives me carcusses for cheap, she only has pasta tripe and carcusses so all can be bought not to far away

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busterdog my lad reckons its awind up so i will look for a cheap second hand freezer for him how much money are we talking about so we know .look forward to seeing you soon let you know couplle of days over freezer so get as much meat off you thanks lads show there is still good men out there

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Guest busterdog

It would cost you the same as it costs me "Fck all" lol, if we can't help each other then there's no future in the job. If you get a freezer i could fill it, but you'll have to let it cool down first as it's fresh and still warm, if you don't it'll go rank :bad: .

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It would cost you the same as it costs me "Fck all" lol, if we can't help each other then there's no future in the job. If you get a freezer i could fill it, but you'll have to let it cool down first as it's fresh and still warm, if you don't it'll go rank :bad: .


Kind offer

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