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Should have listened to the gods.

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Out for a night tonight lamping with Woodga. He kindly offered to run one of my dogs again so i would not have to choose which one to take out Loaded the 2 dogs into the back of the truck to keep th

He dont get the praise he deserves really. He is such a sound little lad, nothing to ever say about him. He just goes out and does what he should, effortlessly. A pleasure to own/work tbh.

not done bad there 15 rabbits . . . . im lucky to get 6-7 round my neck of the woods atb . . .

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It's just aswell you know what you are doing and read the sign's and got him straight to the vet's..and it's also good that you knew not to run him any more on the night otherwise he might not be here now..he is a strong fit dog and im pretty sure he will pull safe.. :thumbs:

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Not the best news, lungs are still leaking air, so they had to drain again this morning. The vet knows that Rude has to be able to work so will not treat the dog unless he thinks he will make a 100% recovery.

Thanks LG ;)

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Sh*t! That is bad news. On the positive side, when my Deer/Grey was 15 months old, she hit the far side of a dyke at full bore out lamping, did the same thing. I didn't realise what she had done until I saw that she was breathing very shallowly about 20 minutes later, having run and caught 2 more rabbits in the mean time. Got vet out of bed at 2am, and they inserted a three way valve and drew out nearly 4 pints of air!


They said that most other types of dog would have already died, but her rib cage was so huge that her lungs were still able to function: just! She had to have air taken out twice more before her lung sealed the tear itself, and in three months she was running as good as ever. I did worry the first time I ran her again, but she was fine. Apparently lungs heal very well providing there is no contamination, like from a broken rib sticking into the lung.



Good luck, God knows you need it! It just never seems fair that people who really care for their dogs get the sh*ttiest deals.

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and in three months she was running as good as ever. I did worry the first time I ran her again, but she was fine. Apparently lungs heal very well providing there is no contamination, like from a broken rib sticking into the lung.


Brilliant new Sky, thank you.

What do you think would be the recouperation time required before...

1) normal running on walks.

2) working, requiring no running (Say ratting for example)

3) running work

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