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Should have listened to the gods.

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Out for a night tonight lamping with Woodga. He kindly offered to run one of my dogs again so i would not have to choose which one to take out Loaded the 2 dogs into the back of the truck to keep th

He dont get the praise he deserves really. He is such a sound little lad, nothing to ever say about him. He just goes out and does what he should, effortlessly. A pleasure to own/work tbh.

not done bad there 15 rabbits . . . . im lucky to get 6-7 round my neck of the woods atb . . .

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..aleast the little star Boo shone on the night with no pulling up on the fence's and doing his good retrieve's.. :victory:


He dont get the praise he deserves really. He is such a sound little lad, nothing to ever say about him. He just goes out and does what he should, effortlessly. A pleasure to own/work tbh.

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Good news Moll :victory: Does Boo still carry the rabbit's by the head? can always remember the old post's :laugh: He alway's run's well though judging by the post's credit to you :thumbs:


He's a funny one :D

He did that for the whole of his 1st season, have no idea why :laugh:






Now the little sod likes to kill them :rolleyes:

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Another good write up Moll............ just a shame the night came to a premature end, Woodga sounds a good bloke to help you run both of your dogs fair play to that..... hope the dog makes a speedy recovery.


Kev :thumbs:

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He is one of the best Kev, goes out of his way to get newcomers out with their dogs and show them the ropes :thumbs:


Unfortunately since some have taken advantage and gone on the land without him, he has decided to stop doing so anymore :no:


Fortunately i can nagg like the best of them, so 8 yrs down the line he is still stuck with me and mine :rolleyes:

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He is one of the best Kev, goes out of his way to get newcomers out with their dogs and show them the ropes :thumbs:


Unfortunately since some have taken advantage and gone on the land without him, he has decided to stop doing so anymore :no:


Fortunately i can nagg like the best of them, so 8 yrs down the line he is still stuck with me and mine :rolleyes:


It's a shame people will take advantage of situations, sometimes kindness can be seen as a weakness by the wrong sorts, like I said he sounds a top bloke............ especially to be nagged at for 8years and still have you on his land :tongue2:



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Here's hoping that is all of my bad luck for the forseeable future used up in one night :thumbs:




Rude boy is currently in the vets having two drainage tubes inserted for a double pneumothorax (collapsed lung) Whatever he hit, he must have hit it hard!

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