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Should have listened to the gods.

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Out for a night tonight lamping with Woodga. He kindly offered to run one of my dogs again so i would not have to choose which one to take out Loaded the 2 dogs into the back of the truck to keep th

He dont get the praise he deserves really. He is such a sound little lad, nothing to ever say about him. He just goes out and does what he should, effortlessly. A pleasure to own/work tbh.

not done bad there 15 rabbits . . . . im lucky to get 6-7 round my neck of the woods atb . . .

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well it started off with things going to plan , I had been watching this field for a few weeks and knew there were a good few rabbits coming out from the river banks and the railway line. They were well out so the dogs had a good chance to run them down :yes: we split up and i watched as moll went along the river fence line.I saw her lamp scan the field and the dog being slipped and could see the dog running .

any way i was into a few rabbits with molls little whippet boo. He was running with determination and he soon accounted for 5 rabbits from 5 runs :thumbs:.We met up in the middle of the field and i was told rudie had also picked up 5 rabbits..

dont you just hate clever women :tongue2:.

As we made our way back to the motor Moll saw another rabbit and gave rudie a nice run and he picked his rabbit just before it made the fence and escaped :thumbs: .11 rabbits in the motor and a short run to our next location soaked fields long slips a couple of rabbits and a injured dog so rudie was held up and kept on the slip. Boo picked one rabbit through a wire fence after the rabbit thought it was safe he litterally dragged the rabbit back into the field and swiftly put it into molls hand it was a sight to see :yes:

one other field held a good number of rabbits. i scanned the field over a wall and saw a good few scattered about feeding and as we were walking into the wind they were unaware of the danger they were in :yes: .Wecame through the gate and walked to where the rabbits were only to see a set of ruby eyes looking back :blink: lets just say a vey lucky fox lived to hunt another day ;) moll managed one last rabbit in the last field after she had spotted it sitting in some long grass :yes: she has eyes like shit house rat :tongue2::victory:

All in all a quiet few hours great company and banter we saw a few caught a few 15 in total. Moll is prepared to travel in excess of 100mile round trip for her sport. For that devotion and the fact shes willing to put the effort in to give her dogs the chance to run a few rabbits its a real shame that her dogs get injured and spoil the night for her . Hope rudie sorts himself out soon we need to have another run real soon :yes:

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Good stuff Moll & Woodga..didn't look a bad night early doors for the job but it turned bloody cold later on? Shame about the injury but these fecking things can and do happen if your out there doing abit ;) .Keep on keeping on. ATB Andy. :thumbs:

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good post Moll , and nice bag . Your dogs did well, not all rabbits are easy to catch. Its good of woodga to help you out with the land + dog sound bloke :thumbs: i know its hard working to mid size lurchers on your own, when 1 will pull your feckin arm off lol. The funny dogs these bullxs, on the night they will tackle anything on 4 legs and try to kill it, very full on with guts. But feck me next morning what ever cuts or bites they have got, they definitely let you know right wimps :laugh: ,where as Bryn just plods on and dont bother him next day, mind you he make sure he dont get hurt likt Tod :laugh: . Hope the big lad ok , just rest him for 10 days he should bounce back :thumbs:

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Nice write up :thumbs: I wish I could make my evenings sound that interesting. I would turn an exciting eventful evening into a boring dull one :laugh:. I had 12 bunnies last night and the best thing I can think to write is the mile or so walk back to the car up hill :icon_eek: , although I did think up a good caption to put with a picture message I sent some pal's it was "My big fat Gipsy Bull x."

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well it started off with things going to plan , I had been watching this field for a few weeks and knew there were a good few rabbits coming out from the river banks and the railway line. They were well out so the dogs had a good chance to run them down :yes: we split up and i watched as moll went along the river fence line.I saw her lamp scan the field and the dog being slipped and could see the dog running .

any way i was into a few rabbits with molls little whippet boo. He was running with determination and he soon accounted for 5 rabbits from 5 runs :thumbs:.We met up in the middle of the field and i was told rudie had also picked up 5 rabbits..

dont you just hate clever women :tongue2:.

As we made our way back to the motor Moll saw another rabbit and gave rudie a nice run and he picked his rabbit just before it made the fence and escaped :thumbs: .11 rabbits in the motor and a short run to our next location soaked fields long slips a couple of rabbits and a injured dog so rudie was held up and kept on the slip. Boo picked one rabbit through a wire fence after the rabbit thought it was safe he litterally dragged the rabbit back into the field and swiftly put it into molls hand it was a sight to see :yes:

one other field held a good number of rabbits. i scanned the field over a wall and saw a good few scattered about feeding and as we were walking into the wind they were unaware of the danger they were in :yes: .Wecame through the gate and walked to where the rabbits were only to see a set of ruby eyes looking back :blink: lets just say a vey lucky fox lived to hunt another day ;) moll managed one last rabbit in the last field after she had spotted it sitting in some long grass :yes: she has eyes like shit house rat :tongue2::victory:

All in all a quiet few hours great company and banter we saw a few caught a few 15 in total. Moll is prepared to travel in excess of 100mile round trip for her sport. For that devotion and the fact shes willing to put the effort in to give her dogs the chance to run a few rabbits its a real shame that her dogs get injured and spoil the night for her . Hope rudie sorts himself out soon we need to have another run real soon :yes:


Cheers pet :D


Eyes like one, look and smell like one :laugh:


That last little field with the dead grass near the road, will give some good sport in better conditions i'm sure :thumbs:


And try nearer 160 mile round trip, when my lottery ticket comes in, i'm getting a learjet :laugh:

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The funny dogs these bullxs, on the night they will tackle anything on 4 legs and try to kill it, very full on with guts. But feck me next morning what ever cuts or bites they have got, they definitely let you know right wimps :laugh:


Exactly Bird, they are terrible afterwards :laugh: whilst still in the field he was like a bleedin cage lion on the end of the lead, one of the reasons we called it a night, too frustrating for him to just walk along watching Boo have all the fun.

He has had a quiet night, got the vets booked later try to get an xray just to make sure :thumbs:

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Nice write up :thumbs: I wish I could make my evenings sound that interesting. I would turn an exciting eventful evening into a boring dull one :laugh:. I had 12 bunnies last night and the best thing I can think to write is the mile or so walk back to the car up hill :icon_eek: , although I did think up a good caption to put with a picture message I sent some pal's it was "My big fat Gipsy Bull x."


:laugh: :laugh: Superb

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Good stuff Moll & Woodga..didn't look a bad night early doors for the job but it turned bloody cold later on? Shame about the injury but these fecking things can and do happen if your out there doing abit ;) .Keep on keeping on. ATB Andy. :thumbs:

We were lamping for less than 2 hrs Andy, would have been a bloody good night....if only!

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They is not many folk i know who would leave there own dog's at home to give someone else the oppertunity to run there's.. good stuff Col yet again.. :victory: .

It's just a shame rudie ended up injured let's hope he make's a full recovery in quick time.. :yes: ..aleast the little star Boo shone on the night with no pulling up on the fence's and doing his good retrieve's.. :victory:

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Got a slightly stoned lurcher swaying about here now :D

Nothing broken thank god, but well worth the visit, something had actually punctured the leg right into the joint, and an infection in the joint can be really severe. So it was not a boulder...have not the foggiest what it could have been?


£154 pounds lighter......please god let this be the turning point to better luck :thumbs:


And Whin, if you are reading this....no i am not bloody moaning again :D

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