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Fresh Water fishing rights

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starting game and course fishing again after a few years out


can anyone tell me the law on fishing rights?

the reason is I have a number of new spots one is where a local shoot group has the rights to 3/4 of the banks of a resi.

the other is the opposite bank of the canal (away from the tow path).


I no the land owners so permission's not a problem.


also the rights on fishing from a boat I always presumed it depend on where you launched it from but I'm not sure


Thanks Ian

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The first thing you need to understand is that to fish in any freshwater you need an EA license. That will allow you to fish a maximum of 2 rods. If you wantto fish 3 rods, you need a second license (madness, but there you are). This applies even if you want to fish in your garden pond. You just go to th epost office and buy one, or get one on-line.


On the canal, you are better NOT fishing from a boat, just off the bank. If you have access to the water then all you need is a waterways fishing license. If there is a fishing club, thye will control the fishing from the towpath side only. There are miles of "uncontrolled" canal that the waterways license will permit you to fish. Just check if your stretch has a club controlling it or no.


For the reservoir it depends on who owns the reservoir. If it is owned by a water company, then you need to find out from them, as permission to launch will be required from them, as will permission to fish, unless the landowner has fishing rights, he might include them with the sporting rights. If it is a canal cistern reservoir, you are back to British Waterways!

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i already no about rod licenses it's more the rights for fishing the water


the resi has shooting rights for wild fowling but I'll need to ring Yorkshire water to check if they will allow me to fish i guess, even though we have the access rights to the land.


but the canal is club controlled tow path side I wasn't going to fish this in a boat no point not wide enough but if i fish the opposite bank from where my mate owns a mooring and the land behind it id have thought the rights would belong to him.(it is his land)


I don't no if anyone on here runs a syndicate or club these are the people to ask but I ain't going to ask Bradford AA they'll tell me to piss off.

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