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It all added up to more than i thought

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When i first thought about taking up shooting i didnt think it was going to cost me as much as it has. I thought yeah get my licence and buy a second hand rifle and go out shooting for about £300. but as i got more into reading about shooting i knew it anit as cheap i first expected ...

licence fee £50 ,

brattonsound gun cabinet + a safe from argos for my ammo £143,

sako quad rifle £600 ,

sak sound mod £35

richter optik scope £48

Rifle slip £15


total £891


... oh and ammo at £11 abox ... but now i know its worth every penny


did any body else spend more than they first expected for there first rifle ?

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When i first thought about taking up shooting i didnt think it was going to cost me as much as it has. I thought yeah get my licence and buy a second hand rifle and go out shooting for about £300. but as i got more into reading about shooting i knew it anit as cheap i first expected ...

licence fee £50 ,

brattonsound gun cabinet + a safe from argos for my ammo £143,

sako quad rifle £600 ,

sak sound mod £35

richter optik scope £48

Rifle slip £15


total £891


... oh and ammo at £11 abox ... but now i know its worth every penny


did any body else spend more than they first expected for there first rifle ?

All the time, lol.


Not just for shooting but fishing and photography, and ferretting and................. :D


I am suprised that my wife is not suprised, how many things were on Special Offer :blink: !!! :D

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That run down tells me you have not listened to the advise given you by shooters out there doing it .No need to elaborate ,you know what i mean .

I know where he is coming from. I bought my first .22 BRNO in 1981 with a box of bullets and a sling. Within no time I was buying bullets in bulk, and as soon as I could, upgrading my scope. I know it was only a .22, but it was my rifle and I wanted the best. Things escalate from there...... I went down the smartening and re oiling the stock, even though it was a working rifle carried with me all the time when feeding up, or mending the pens. It shot straight, and did the job......but I still spent money on it.


I still have the same passion about things now, and will spend money, if I wish to do something. But it will still be money on things I didnt intend.

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When i first thought about taking up shooting i didnt think it was going to cost me as much as it has. I thought yeah get my licence and buy a second hand rifle and go out shooting for about £300. but as i got more into reading about shooting i knew it anit as cheap i first expected ...

licence fee £50 ,

brattonsound gun cabinet + a safe from argos for my ammo £143,

sako quad rifle £600 ,

sak sound mod £35

richter optik scope £48

Rifle slip £15


total £891


... oh and ammo at £11 abox ... but now i know its worth every penny


did any body else spend more than they first expected for there first rifle ?

on your other post you spent an extra £200 for a different rifle because you didn't like the trigger guard on the CZ ,no wonder you spent more than you first thought :laugh::laugh: ,control yourself !!!!!..........Your hooked now your going to spend hundreds more .



And tegatertt


I am suprised that my wife is not suprised, how many things were on Special Offer :blink: !!! :D


spot on there mate :thumbs:

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  • i know money may be tight, but you'll not be happy with a scope at 48 quid, it simply wont take the everyday abuse
  • that shooting entails, And every little bang you will find you are fluffing the shot as the scope simply wont take the knocks
  • that it WILL get...
  • i dont see mounts in your calculatons...????
  • if it had of been me i would of not bought the sound mod and spent that cash plus extra on the scope...

You WILL see what others say when they mean buy quality once, i know its not always pratical, but you will find yourself ungrading things

sooner than you think...


enjoy it, and happy hunting.




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Love it hahahahah.

The Whole Of The World Economy is based on man's hobbies! And when a few big men spend to much on their hobby we all get shafted.

US Presidents love thier hobby of war, then in turn the presidents of poorer countries think they will join in and have ago at the war hobby, before long an English woman decides she will join in with the mens hobby and we have been running out of cash ever since, it all then ends in trading equipment so that more people can jon in with the war hobby, hey do you want to play the game? nothing to play it with? hell we will sell you the equipment needed and you can play too! Its fun its complicated, everyone wins at some point just dont be a sore loser, oh and when you get fed up of stalemate you can just go and start your hobby somehwere else.


So yes hobbies always cost more than you think and in all honesty guns are cheap, such is the nature of the arms dealers and manufacturers.


I dont know where the hell that came form lads :icon_eek: , anyway yes I like spending on money on my hobbies too, However once you start getting your kit right you then end up trying to find a need to buy other kit and then you know you have the right tools for the job :)

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Had to laugh a bit. I always find things end up costing a little more than I thought. Although shooting wise it started off quite cheap for me. I got a cabinet for £70, and a shotgun for £100 and that was about it. Of course you soon start adding bits too it. I remember going into a shop to get a box of cartridges for a couple of quid and walking out having spent over £500 on a new gun.


But then I always do the same. I walked into a motorbike shop once to buy a £5 oil filter and ended up spending about £1200 on a titanium race exhaust system. Did the same with my home entertainment system. Needed a new cable and ended up spending £2000 on a new telly, new a/v receiver, 3d bluray player and all the other bits. Sigh...

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I know the feeling all too well

had to change my laurona 12b about 6 months ago and saw ca nice camo hatstand and suddenly the pros of reduced recoil, adjustable stock, added camo for the odd charly and here I am saving for an O/U to avoid the dodgy looks at the gunclub but not wanting to lose the semi.... plus ammo and parts for other guns and new 410 and now im about £600 down from what should have been a straight swap...oops

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....you have only really just started scratching the surface......that is only your first rifle.......you will soon want to upgrade your optics and then you will decide that another calibre will come in handy and then the vicious circle starts again......followed by the 'maybe it would be cheaper if I home load my ammo' so then you you spend a few hundred quid on reloading too!......then you realise that reloading for accuracy requires patience and more bits of reloading kit......basically it is never ending.......don't forget you will need either an expensive lamp or NV scope too lol :drink:

Edited by dave1372
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