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Lamping advice please

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Hello all,

I received an LED Lenser p7 and the filter kit for Christmas from my other half :boogy: but haven't managed to get out with it yet, so am after some advice and tips please.


What sort of times do people find best to go out and how long do you stay out for?

What weather conditions do you find best ect and what colour filter should i be looking at using first?

And has anyone used the P7 and what do you think of it?


Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance :thumbs:




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hi Deano

when lamping "its usually at night" :laugh: :laugh: :tongue2:



On a serious note!

A) Q1- around dusk and through the night!

A) Q2 - all weathers you will find them out,and start with a red filter!

A) Q3 - no i haven't used the P7 sorry


others will be along to give you more advise! like wind in your face and the rest of the tips :thumbs:





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Hi Deano all I can say is I have never used the LED Lenser but as to the best time as stated by Davyt dusk until what ever time you feel like packing in,in my case this could be from around 5pm till next mornig ( much to the great anoyance of the other half lol) filters I would if they have not been lamped before start with out one then next visit use red then amber alternatly.

Atb Fatlad54

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unfortunatly the rabbits make up there own minds..it's go out and see, then go regularly untill you sus there habits.


dusks a good start, usual habits like say 10 ish till 12.. 2-3 or 4 am...then about dawn time for the straglers and sleepers.


if you dont find them one night, and thwe wether stays the same its worth a ganders in the inbetween time. after that search other area's.

Edited by ghillies
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if your using L.e.d light with no filter and it has a dimmer, dim it, my tracer on full puts the bunnies straight to bed (70% of the time) or use filter on full, but iv never used a p7 and dont know the power, using a filter might take alot of the light away..as my tri star with it dimmed and say red filter, is basically useless unless no more than 10yrd shooting lol just what iv experienced, could be totally diffrence, just experiment mate thats the best..every land is diffrent

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