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About 8 weeks ago my dog severed his tendon which the vet stiched back together as best he could, we think it then ruptured again because there was swelling and pain. The vet decided not to operate again as his cut had healed and thought it would cause more damage if opened up again.


He now looks fully healed although he has got obvious tendon damage as his outside toe is not right! Vets have told me he should run again just as well but only running him will prove if he can.


Just wondered how long you would advise before I start getting him walked again as he has been house and garden bound since the accident, I dont want to start him to early incase the tendon is not fully healed, how long do these usually take??

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bad news that like ,i would just do every think the experts [vet] say do then if it dosen,t run again properly you done everythink they said and you could,nt have done anymore , 1 key word patence with bad injurys like this atb gaz :thumbs:

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Vet hasnt told me how long to wait before running him again though, they told me he was ready for small walks couple weeks back!


I've had shit luck this season, my 3 year old dog done that 8-9 weeks ago, then started my bull deerhound (17month) on the proper quarry got his first red then took him out 1 week later and he f****d his knee, gutted isn't the word!!!!

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i,ve had my fair share aswell this season with 3 out of 4 workers injuried but i think the anwser 2 your question is got 2 be anwser by the vet who done the surgery ,has the vet discharged the dog fully ? if not i would ask on you next appoitnment

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3 months is about how long it takes for a bad tendon injury to heal. If the tendon has been severed it's not likely to grow itself back together. If its just a tendon which affects the outside toe (back or front foot??) it shouldn't affect the dog too much: say if the toe is flat or lifted: keep the claw cut right back as far as possible to avoid putting too much pressure on that toe. If its a front foot it may affect the dog's turning ability. If its a hind toe then it shouldn't be a problem.

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Thanks for all the advice, its his front out side toe which is now slighty flat and pointing upwards, he is a smallish (23inch) light dog who is very quick so I'm hoping he will run enough to have the odd rabbit, even if not he will be a pet for the rest of his life, or my little ferreting companion. I will start small lead walks with him in a few weeks.


Its the dog I feel for he is so bored and restless, he's always been kept fit!!


Bloody idiots smashing bottles on fields if I knew who had done it they would have a hell of a vet bill to cover!!!!

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Once its healed properly and there's no pain, don't wrap him up in cotton wool: work him, run him: just not on hard ground. He wouldn't thank you for a life doing nothing, and if the toe starts causing problems you can always get it taken off in the future.


Thanks for the kind comments, but there's plenty of other people who know as much and a lot more than I do: they just don't post much on here or aren't on the site at all. I learned everything I know from years of injuries: good vets and more to the point, good bone men: the good ones are worth their weight in gold.

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He will never be wrapped up he wouldn't let me lol!!


Thanks again for the advice it's much appreciated, he isnt showing pain but never did from the second he did it, only knew he was injured when my floor started filling with blood!


Do you think he is ready now to be walked on a lead, he's like a coiled spring ready to pop!!

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Credit where credits due.. Skycat can always give sound advice from all the posts I've seen on THL. There should be an "ask skycat" section on here :);)

yes she is and skykat 1 out of the few on here i would take advice of when it come down 2 my dogs ie injurys feeding problems ,worming that kind of stuff but she is not a vet and only experts who treat the dogs and seen the damage can give the right dinoscis ,i,ve seen folks on here before take what ever said on here as gospel more fool them ,atb with your dog
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