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How Many Chances

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Guest dee mac

Not harsh thats how I go with it if their is fire in the belly, and the proper breeding is their it shouldnt take alot to see if thier keen or not. If they seem keen and aint doing what I want from them its no point keeping a dog that talks the talk and dont walk the walk but each terriermens yard differs. Thats just what i do and it works for me.

being keen and working till dug are two different things two strike rule is nonsense if you ve entered young dogs before and got them too a good standard then there will be wee traits that you see in them as they progress that will tell you all you need even from a very young age i ve owned pups before that the word keen was invented for but when pushed and took too the edge when time came it were nt for them and on the oppisite the quiet pup that kept itself too its self followed you round like a shadow and let the rest of the litter run about and wreck things was the pup that when the pressure came on stepped up another gear and showed its real colours there no hard and fast rule its about good stockmanship and being realistic when there starting out but when time comes and they have not give back what you ve put in then thats it decision is made and proper thing is done not the old for sale needs bringing on or catching some keen young lad by filling his head with stories and lies if it dont suit you then it aint going too suit anyone else thats my take anyway.
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there's other factors to consider before u make rash decisions, ie age, is the earth hot or cold, education or how dog was brought up..If the dogs is well educated & doesnt enter by 2 years i thin

being keen and working till dug are two different things two strike rule is nonsense if you ve entered young dogs before and got them too a good standard then there will be wee traits that you see in

Mate of mine ,a professional terriermen and what i consider to be at the top of his game dosnt mess about when it comes to fuckups with terriers walking out and operates a three strike system .He has

Mate of mine ,a professional terriermen and what i consider to be at the top of his game dosnt mess about when it comes to fuckups with terriers walking out and operates a three strike system .He hasnt the time to persevere with jackers but knows the score in that every adolescent needs a chance .They are pts ,no fecking about ,no ifs buts or maybes and he currently has 10 workers in the yard with a few maybes .I must say this that hes 100% culled dogs in the past that would of made the grade given time but time is not what he has so therefore the rule suits him and his present kennel of workers is testament to this .I dont know whether its age or that im a more patient man but if i see a spark then i persevere ,a bitch i have now have being a perfect example .Shes now 3 1/2 and is going well but she pushed me on several occasions by walking out .I now know she needs time to find her own entrance to enter and that if she loses it she will get back on terms and be dug to .The breeding is there which is why i was loathe to get rid and im glad i never .No_one likes to look bad in company but these days i dont give a damn what others think .I feed them ,my terriers .

If a dog comes out but is eager to get back to ground do not be in too much of a hurry to cry jacker.We do not know for sure what happens underground . We all strive for that one hole world beater when in reality even the best can result in a couple of holes when things dont go as planned in the first meeting .Years at the game have taught me patience truly is a vertue that is seldom bestowed on the young .

BUT when things arnt happening at all ,when the young terrier shows no interest despite many outings and wont even enter at the excepted 18 months then i would pass it on or pts respectively .

At one time i was very hard on the terriers ,expecting text book digs all the time and getting very annoyed if anything deviated from the ideal but now im content with a dig no matter how long it takes to happen and whatever style the terrier does it in .

My only pet hate is however ,a terrier that jumps out the hole as you break in ,does my head in and dosnt last long with me .

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What a load of bull shit , half of you no f all!!!!! i hit mine on the head wit spade two strikes or three if she dont go, all mine are speyed if no good, you fu****s must do your digging on MARS, cause im FU****G 50 and the shit your posting aint happening i think half you C**TS do your digging with a key board

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What a load of bull shit , half of you no f all!!!!! i hit mine on the head wit spade two strikes or three if she dont go, all mine are speyed if no good, you fu****s must do your digging on MARS, cause im FU****G 50 and the shit your posting aint happening i think half you C**TS do your digging with a key board

I will tell you what i do , i go in my pens in morning switch my dog charges off disconect em then turn on their remotes ,FU*K me they all jump up at same time give a bark then sit down and dont move, i then put their bowls in friont of em then press the remote and FU*K me they all eat at the same time and finish up their bowls then sit down. if only hey but FU*K me all you lot who have posted your bull sh*t on this post your dogs do MY ARSE what a bunch of WANKE**S are now on this site
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............................Like i said thats one way but certainly not the only way .Those 50 years havent taught you much really mate have they ,obviously patience is not a strong point .You do your thing and l'll do mine . I'm guessing your the sort that talks a lot but never has a dog to back it up .No need to reply as i cant be bothered to answer .

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............................Like i said thats one way but certainly not the only way .Those 50 years havent taught you much really mate have they ,obviously patience is not a strong point .You do your thing and l'll do mine . I'm guessing your the sort that talks a lot but never has a dog to back it up .No need to reply as i cant be bothered to answer .

your not worth wasting breath on , ive seen your fake dig and commented on it enough said cock
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Pity you dont live closer as you could come out and impart some of that knowledge im always thirsty for .Would be great to meet up with one of the real old boys thats clearly done it all.You could show us how exactly one would go about faking a dig , Shame really as could use a tea boy .Messer :bye:

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Mate of mine ,a professional terriermen and what i consider to be at the top of his game dosnt mess about when it comes to fuckups with terriers walking out and operates a three strike system .He hasnt the time to persevere with jackers but knows the score in that every adolescent needs a chance .They are pts ,no fecking about ,no ifs buts or maybes and he currently has 10 workers in the yard with a few maybes .I must say this that hes 100% culled dogs in the past that would of made the grade given time but time is not what he has so therefore the rule suits him and his present kennel of workers is testament to this .I dont know whether its age or that im a more patient man but if i see a spark then i persevere ,a bitch i have now have being a perfect example .Shes now 3 1/2 and is going well but she pushed me on several occasions by walking out .I now know she needs time to find her own entrance to enter and that if she loses it she will get back on terms and be dug to .The breeding is there which is why i was loathe to get rid and im glad i never .No_one likes to look bad in company but these days i dont give a damn what others think .I feed them ,my terriers .

If a dog comes out but is eager to get back to ground do not be in too much of a hurry to cry jacker.We do not know for sure what happens underground . We all strive for that one hole world beater when in reality even the best can result in a couple of holes when things dont go as planned in the first meeting .Years at the game have taught me patience truly is a vertue that is seldom bestowed on the young .

BUT when things arnt happening at all ,when the young terrier shows no interest despite many outings and wont even enter at the excepted 18 months then i would pass it on or pts respectively .

At one time i was very hard on the terriers ,expecting text book digs all the time and getting very annoyed if anything deviated from the ideal but now im content with a dig no matter how long it takes to happen and whatever style the terrier does it in .

My only pet hate is however ,a terrier that jumps out the hole as you break in ,does my head in and dosnt last long with me .

put to sleep are u fnucking joking give it to somebody i would love to put u to sleep u horrible cnut Edited by matthews 88
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Think the lad state,s his mate does that lad.and after your reply I can see why. I,d do the same instead of passing it on to you. Yes certain people have a job to do and can't afford to keep trying dogs.but I'm sure you could wait a life time for your 1st dig. Atb

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Mate of mine ,a professional terriermen and what i consider to be at the top of his game dosnt mess about when it comes to fuckups with terriers walking out and operates a three strike system .He hasnt the time to persevere with jackers but knows the score in that every adolescent needs a chance .They are pts ,no fecking about ,no ifs buts or maybes and he currently has 10 workers in the yard with a few maybes .I must say this that hes 100% culled dogs in the past that would of made the grade given time but time is not what he has so therefore the rule suits him and his present kennel of workers is testament to this .I dont know whether its age or that im a more patient man but if i see a spark then i persevere ,a bitch i have now have being a perfect example .Shes now 3 1/2 and is going well but she pushed me on several occasions by walking out .I now know she needs time to find her own entrance to enter and that if she loses it she will get back on terms and be dug to .The breeding is there which is why i was loathe to get rid and im glad i never .No_one likes to look bad in company but these days i dont give a damn what others think .I feed them ,my terriers .

If a dog comes out but is eager to get back to ground do not be in too much of a hurry to cry jacker.We do not know for sure what happens underground . We all strive for that one hole world beater when in reality even the best can result in a couple of holes when things dont go as planned in the first meeting .Years at the game have taught me patience truly is a vertue that is seldom bestowed on the young .

BUT when things arnt happening at all ,when the young terrier shows no interest despite many outings and wont even enter at the excepted 18 months then i would pass it on or pts respectively .

At one time i was very hard on the terriers ,expecting text book digs all the time and getting very annoyed if anything deviated from the ideal but now im content with a dig no matter how long it takes to happen and whatever style the terrier does it in .

My only pet hate is however ,a terrier that jumps out the hole as you break in ,does my head in and dosnt last long with me .

put to sleep are u fnucking joking give it to somebody i would love to put u to sleep u horrible cnut

its all about standards,cant knock the man if he culls hard,i am not in a position to do the same but wont suffer a cnut of a thing either.fair fookin play to him,should be more like that,less dirt around gettin passed from pillar to post

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