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How old is too old?

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Hey up...


...just how old is too old to 'start' working a dog? I have 2 American cockers who have no training but seem to excell at doing what cockers should do best...however, I can't seem to get them to go where I want them to go. One will flush all day and the other will retrieve until the cows come home. Both won't do both.


So, as per the title... How old is too old to train a dog? Mine are 5 and 4 years old...


...any info would be great.




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Lol i wish i could teach my Alaskan Malamute that he's not a running dog....he seem's convinced he can catch rabbit's..But im sure with your propper working dogs they will pick it up very easily with the correct traing methods. Hope you get them both doing both mate and let us know how you get along with it



All the best Steve

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I've had them both from pups but never thought to actually work them before now. It's only since I've lived on the farm and got into shooting for pest control that I've realised that they're actually naturally good at it as a pair but useless when I want them to go where I want them to go.

Well you can only try. You say you live on a farm so you have plenty opportunity to get out there and spend some time with them. Take 1 at a time and practice what you want them too do, if it comes it comes. Good luck.. :thumbs:

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Ok - Start by not feeding them in their bowl for the next 3 weeks. Instead put their food out in the fields/hedges in little portions where you know where it is . Take them one at a time for a walk and point with hand signals towards the food when you blow a whistle. After a while they will think you are a genius and go anywhere you point.

Best of luck

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Ok - Start by not feeding them in their bowl for the next 3 weeks. Instead put their food out in the fields/hedges in little portions where you know where it is . Take them one at a time for a walk and point with hand signals towards the food when you blow a whistle. After a while they will think you are a genius and go anywhere you point.

Best of luck


This is a cracking idea.


I'm struggling with my dog's enthusiasm. Sometimes he'll retreive and you can see he doesn't really want to. It does my head in...I can spice things up with a tennis ball but I fear I'm cheating and using his chase instinct instead.

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