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bit of info about jack russel workin rabbit

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You won't catch many rabbits with a single terrier IMO. They work better if you've got a few there or are using it to flush rabbits out to lurchers. Mine catches the odd one here and there, but she's better used as part of a team either bushing through bramble or marking holes for ferreting. :thumbs:

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im aware that they wouldent catch many rabbits it open ground as they are just to short lol,but when you say marking u mean they get the sent of rabbit and you send in the ferret or start diggin ye?and if ferret was down the hole would the jack manage to catch it when it bolts from hole obviously if it sprinted would be slim chance,and when you say bushing through brambles you mean they will basicly chase them out of the bush or make you aware if they find a hole ye?

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when you say marking u mean they get the sent of rabbit and you send in the ferret or start diggin ye?


You'd put purse nets over the rest of the holes then stick a ferret down./


and if ferret was down the hole would the jack manage to catch it when it bolts from hole


Sometimes they can learn the knack of being in the right place just as the rabbit pops out..


and when you say bushing through brambles you mean they will basicly chase them out of the bush


Basically a large area of cover frequented by rabbits will have a network of runs though it. It will also have certain spots called seats where the rabbits will sit tight and not move. Sometimes the rabbit will break into the open, but they will often give a single terrier the run around in the runs. Sometimes a dog with a good nose will find the ones in a seat, but I always find it better to have multiple dogs working an area of cover because it often confuses the rabbit and makes a catch more likely.

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I started off with a single russell and he did well to find and bolt rabbits but catching them was a different story lol if you really want a terrier id get a ferret to work it with , as said the dog will let you know if there is anything at home then its just net up and enter the ferret , if you do decide to go down this road make sure your terrier knows ferrets are off limits and ALLWAYS make sure your dog doesnt have the opportunity to grab the ferret cause if the ferret bites your dog will kill it no questions asked trust me ive had it happen

Atb whatever you decide


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