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pup with bent legs

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It could be with everything your giving him - your putting to much protein in to him,

pups/dogs dont need cat food or milk and with pups that are going to grow larger you need to really give a lower protein

food, personaly i would just stick to one either the raw or the complete and cut any hard running out.


with the weight issue a lot of pups go through this - solong as there healthy and have energy

it shouldnt matter if they look a bit skinny, once theyve grown to full size most will start to fill out.


I would see the vet - as problems like these can rappidly go worse.


I agree, i have seen it before,probably worse too high a protein diet he was advised to feed low protein and it rectified within a month atb.Ben

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Looks like classic "Queen Annes Legs" to me. Genetic tendency, so I agree, even if you can correct it (which I doubt!), then don't be tempted to breed from her later on. Definitely cut back on the protein, but I don't think calcium is a problem unless there's too little of it. Got to keep pups, lean but not starve em while the weight bearing bones are growing, have you ever seen Broiler chickens go off their legs on high protein foods? That's an extreme example of too rapid weight gain before the bone matures. Good luck with your GENTLE weight loss programme, I hope you turn it around.

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thanks skycat i have checked that link and as im in stoke it will cover my area.

looks a great deal.

iv been around most of my local abattoirs with no luck but this will help.

how much wouldyou recomend to feed if i go completley barf?? if its mentioned in the email you have sent me i appologise i havernt had chance to read it yet.

also my other dog is also a pup only 8 months so just literaly starting out now.

i lost the sister to the saluki pup last year hence taking on this new one.

thats whats confusing thay have all had the same diet.

i will definatly change their diet and will still be taking a trip to the vets.

many thanks

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