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whippet vs fox??

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seen some vids of racing whippets afterwards have a right crack at one another..i wouldnt say their not game either..some big dogs wont go for fox, but some whippets will? how can you determine whether a whippet is or isnt game? and that you need a bigger dog? if some big dogs dont want a sniff?


just to add that i know if both big lurcher and whippet went for fox that the quicker outcome would be the lurcher before you say anything..

Edited by robwelsh
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I suppose it depends on the type of Whippet you are talking about. I'm sure there is the odd Ped type that will take fox, but I wouldn't call them "fox dogs". The Non-Ped type, especialy the bigger on

people underestimate whippets there game when they get going not all dogs have to be aggressive

a game whippet ffs,even if they could or not its a silly idea to even contemplate it,would be more of a fight than humane pest control in my eyes



Good bit of training there mate if you can call off a 6mth pup during a chase. Aye right.






yea i was chuffed with that, today he wasnt such a good lad and bolted after one that was 10ft infront as we turned a corner, didnt realise he was gone in the pitch black til he was 50 yards away and wouldnt stop when i called, soon as it hit some brush he was back like lightning though.. on the lead he stays when i get to that area again.

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thanks all comments,im sure if a jack russel can do a fox im sure whippet could,im after a bull x anyhow just curious of the out cum



SHUT IT YOU TWIT!!to many sarky people on here grow up!

Lmao im 18 and avin a laugh,jesus christ Mate. and there was no sarcasm in that reply...

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seen my mates whippet take plenty of fox, fairplay the dog thinks hes invincible have a bash at anything


liked the look of the stafford/whippets pre ban do reduns for fun....that one of your mates couldnt catch a cold l :rofl:


lol u know tha whippet breathes fire son haha


son? :huh: i got older pants than you :feck: ... ai and it blows thunder from it arse when it sees a bit of ivory :laugh: :laugh:

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