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Savage R93

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Hi Guys I called into my local RFD today to pick up some Winchester .22's While I was there I noticed a very nice looking Savage R93 BVSS .17hmr, its the Heavy Stainless Steel Barrel model complete with a 6 - 24 x 50 Hawke Scope and an SAK Mod. The barrel has been cut for the Mod and reproofed He's asking £450.00 Its very similar to the one in the pic. Has anybody got one or can anyone tell me anything about them. Basically is it any good and is it worth the asking price? :thumbs: Cheers.



Edited by Simonrees
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I had a sporter barel, think it was £120 new a few year back, They are rough as old boots, the finish has a little to be disired on the standard savage, although the one in the pic looks a tad better, due to the stock . have a look around , before you guy, a nice sako finfire varmin can be had for the same money you suggest , or a nice cz , both superb accuracy ;)

Edited by shootlodge
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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the replies, I bought the gun today and got him to put a brand new SAK silver Mod on it instead of the black one so it looks really nice! I picked up 100 Winchester 17gr Vmax at the same time so can't wait to get down the farm and try it out!! :victory:

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Good choice. You won't regret it though I'd advise hearing protection if you are paper punching.


Are you planning to break in the barrel? As my version of the rifle doesn't lend itself to a rod I did it with a bore snake and copper solvent as I figured it would be better than not doing it at all. One clean with solvent, on the bristles only, every shot for first 10 shots then one clean every three shots for the next 15. Took about an hour but not sure if it really made any difference but I felt better for making the attempt.


By the way using the bore snake was a bit of a pain but I've found it easier as more rounds have gone through the gun so it's worth persevering.


Happy shooting.

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Just back from the farm and a little disappointed that the scope is knackered! Externally its like brand new but I'm shooting 18" left and there's no more adjustment on the scope as the turret is wound fully out. and looks as though someone has used a pliers or something to try and wind it further out. So will the dealer tomorrow and try and get it swapped. its a Hawke AO 6.5 - 20 x 50 IR Nite-eye.

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  On 05/02/2012 at 09:47, vitalspark said:

Good choice. You won't regret it though I'd advise hearing protection if you are paper punching.


Are you planning to break in the barrel? As my version of the rifle doesn't lend itself to a rod I did it with a bore snake and copper solvent as I figured it would be better than not doing it at all. One clean with solvent, on the bristles only, every shot for first 10 shots then one clean every three shots for the next 15. Took about an hour but not sure if it really made any difference but I felt better for making the attempt.


By the way using the bore snake was a bit of a pain but I've found it easier as more rounds have gone through the gun so it's worth persevering.


Happy shooting.


Hi thanks for that. The gun was second hand so already broken in. Also the only paper punching it'll do is zeroing. :laugh:


Incidentally they guy who bought it new has only put about 50 rounds through it according to the RFD

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Hi Simon,

Just a thought before you rush back with the scope - try taking it off and re-centralise the horizontal and vertical turret adjustments on it. Check the mounting plate for the scope with a spirit level to ensure that it's not tilted one way or the other and refit the scope and try to re-zero. Had the same problem with a second hand .204 and the removal/adjustment/refit cured it, now shoots a sweet as a nut. Best of luck.


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Thanks Frank I've had a bit of play with it this afternoon and cant get the Vertical axis anywhere near the line of fire. The L and R adjuster on the side is fully wound out to the Right and a little knurled as if someone has tried forcing it further. Its not a major problem it just means a visit back to the dealer who I know for a fact will sort it out, it was just a bit disappointing today not being able to do some groupings. Thanks again for the advice.

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