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Vets bills !

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Nice one mate its good to pay what you can

Nice one mate its good to pay what you can


Cheers pal i just hate it when you see all the idiots walk in with there dogs have the treatment and walk away without a thank you if they can't afford the bills shouldn't have the dogs that's what i say

Am i getting the wrong end of the stick mate, but from what you have just said at the top, getting half the money together and then sayin if they cant afford the bills they shouldnt have the dogs!!, but you cant afford all of the cost! so that statement falls at u as well pal! i understand that getting some off the cost together helps the cause , but you have contradicted your self there mate!

Nice one mate its good to pay what you can

Nice one mate its good to pay what you can


Cheers pal i just hate it when you see all the idiots walk in with there dogs have the treatment and walk away without a thank you if they can't afford the bills shouldn't have the dogs that's what i say

Am i getting the wrong end of the stick mate, but from what you have just said at the top, getting half the money together and then sayin if they cant afford the bills they shouldnt have the dogs!!, but you cant afford all of the cost! so that statement falls at u as well pal! i understand that getting some off the cost together helps the cause , but you have contradicted your self there mate!


i can see what your saying pal but I was paying full vet bills until i got layed off last yr thats y i'm lucky im on the pdsa so i pay as much as i possibly can theres some who don't pay a penny so if the bill comes to say £400 ill be making sure iv'e deffo got £200 & more, some people go and buy dogs knoing full well they won't have money to cover vet bills were as i was working when i got my dog as a pup

understand mate, i know where your coming from, didnt mean it as a dig, your right in what you say, these lads taking on dogs when there strugglin to feed em selfs isnt fair on the dog! there prob more and more of that going on cos the country is on its arse, with no jobs ,with the vast majority of us strugglin to put steam on the table, fair play to u mate gettin as much money as u can together.

Cheers pal :thumbs:

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