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rabbit numbers in parts of the UK

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iv had this conversation with a few people recently, and thought it was just me.


But up where i am, there does appear to be a huge dent in the rabbit population. i stay in an area where 10 years ago seeing 30 to 40 rabbits in a night was pretty much an everyday occurrence, now im lucky to see a handful. There has been a huge in increase in foxes, hares, and deer along with various buzzards and other birds of prey. imjust wondering, has this been the case over much of the UK. It cant be due to hunting , as there are not many people venture out my direction, with dogs anymore, also with the ban many gave it up around my area.


iv never been one to run foxes, they never really interested me, but the way things are going maybe i should be changing my interest in them. As to Hares (brown and blue) there numbers are through the roof, and never been so high so thats a big bonus. Deer, there are just to many, and causing all sorts of damage.


have many others noticed a decline in rabbit numbers?

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I doubt it helps when somewhere gets labeled as 'the place to go, to get massive bags' and every one and their brother is up there after them. You hammer a population from every angle and it will soon

i agree, everyone calls this place "the rabbits by me" every man round here knows there were loads, but it went shit, be lucky to see one rabbit, morning day or night lol eventually people stopped, bu

Sounds like paradise mate lol

Vary's here in north wales....On one of my permissions there's hardly any where once there was alot.....this i feel is down to the increase of the fox pop and mixy(this permission had 11 reds in 4 days)...yet 5 miles down the road on another of my permissions there are many rabbits you littery trip over them lol.....I think it boils down to pressure from predetors the hunters....and also desiese. Intresting subject though im always keen to see how other area's are doing with rabbit pops

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Rabbit numbers appear to have dropped up and down the country, appears other mammals like the ones you mentioned have increased but the humble bunny is on the decline, the dales has an amazing population, even the coney mecca Caithness has seen a decline in the priceless bunny.........

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Rabbit numbers appear to have dropped up and down the country, appears other mammals like the ones you mentioned have increased but the humble bunny is on the decline, the dales has an amazing population, even the coney mecca Caithness has seen a decline in the priceless bunny.........



I doubt it helps when somewhere gets labeled as 'the place to go, to get massive bags' and every one and their brother is up there after them. You hammer a population from every angle and it will soon drop.

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I shoot a caravan park with my air rifle....only allowed 3 months of they year whilst it is closed and need to have good insurance...and yes there are lots of rabbits...bit to built up and to many obsticles for running dogs but still good fun though

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I'd love to be able to stick the lamp on at these caravan holiday parks :) :) = LOADS!!


YEAH i agree to that, during last summer i was down in cresswell (east coast) with my father. we were there for some fishing, he took his lakeland/whippet, and she was going mental, the rabbits were running under the caravan while we were in it. whenwe were fishing on th beach the rabbits were in droves over the dunes. we didnt allow her off as we dont really like doing that during summer months, but the dog was havin fits at the amount of bunnies crossing our paths.

But now we are back up here even the golf courses seem deserted of bunnies

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last year on the stubbles over 4 fields we shot close to 1000 rabbits we were going out and getting 50 a night, this year we have one farm that rabbits have eaten 2 arces of wheat, but due to people going on without permission and even less of a clue what that there doing these rabbits are so lamp shy the side lights of the landrover spook them, just made a night vision so hoping to pick them off now, and farmer has finally agreed to let us on after harvest is off so we can clear some of them up

Edited by Clare
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Rabbit numbers appear to have dropped up and down the country, appears other mammals like the ones you mentioned have increased but the humble bunny is on the decline, the dales has an amazing population, even the coney mecca Caithness has seen a decline in the priceless bunny.........



I doubt it helps when somewhere gets labeled as 'the place to go, to get massive bags' and every one and their brother is up there after them. You hammer a population from every angle and it will soon drop.

i agree, everyone calls this place "the rabbits by me" every man round here knows there were loads, but it went shit, be lucky to see one rabbit, morning day or night lol eventually people stopped, but me and my mate just kept an eye out up there, went for a stroll with the guns, the otherday for abit of practise, about 2 o clock in the day, and we must of seen about 20 rabbits lol best off to keep things hush hush aint it..
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Rabbit numbers appear to have dropped up and down the country, appears other mammals like the ones you mentioned have increased but the humble bunny is on the decline, the dales has an amazing population, even the coney mecca Caithness has seen a decline in the priceless bunny.........



I doubt it helps when somewhere gets labeled as 'the place to go, to get massive bags' and every one and their brother is up there after them. You hammer a population from every angle and it will soon drop.

i agree, everyone calls this place "the rabbits by me" every man round here knows there were loads, but it went shit, be lucky to see one rabbit, morning day or night lol eventually people stopped, but me and my mate just kept an eye out up there, went for a stroll with the guns, the otherday for abit of practise, about 2 o clock in the day, and we must of seen about 20 rabbits lol best off to keep things hush hush aint it..


Yup, loose lips, sink ships.

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lol best off to keep things hush hush aint it..



im not asking people to reveal there stomping grounds, im just simply asking if you as an individual have noticed any difference in your areas.

being totally honest i love the area im at, as there seems to be vast amounts that dont see many dogs other than mine, but for teaching pups, id prefer to start on bunnies then work up, which is proving difficult

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Rabbit numbers in certain areas ain't been too bad this year where as in others it's been barren!! Last winter being really harsh and the one before being extremely wet in the North may have had something to do with the decline of bunnies in certain areas i presume? ATB Andy.

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