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Benefits to be capped


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  1. 1. Is a cap on benefits a good thing?

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Heard on the news today that benefits are going to be capped at 26k.


Do you think this is a good thing? Will it result in more poverty? Will more people find work?


Personally, I think they need to look at the people who breed children to get more money. While I understand that accidents happen, people shouldn't breed children that they can't afford to keep. Perhaps anyone signing on should be given the 6 month contraceptive jab or something?


Any thoughts?

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Maybe they should be looking at Capping the amount of immigrants that are pouring past the uk borders, Capping there own and bankers wages first.

if they stopped or put a cap on all the foreginers coming in to the country and stopped all these robbing agencies taking part of wages for finding you part time work imo that wpould go a long way to

I think the 26 grand a year cap is more than fair then they could give a bit to such as me whos got no work now as the agency says i have worked longer than 12 weeks at the company i was at and they w

There's people working don't get 26k, if you can't get by on that amount your doing something wrong.

Also poverty isn't what it used to be, now if people can't have the latest state of the art gadget or a holiday abroad they think they're poor.

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It's absolutely staggering that people who don't lift a finger get anywhere near that amount to be honest!!! if you pay jack shit for your rent you could actually have a bloody comfortable life on £26k! they should cap it at £12k if you ask me, perhaps more people would get off their arses then!

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yea i think its right it should be capped folks out their getting more then folks who actually work ,me and the mrs both work part time and their couples out their living of the goverment getting more money then us and then we,ve just getting a letting saying couples who only part time are going loose ex amount of money if we don,t work a extra 8 hours between us :icon_eek: its a discrace how this goverment seems 2 be rewarded folk who like 2 sit on their arse ,FUCKUP BRITAIN :yes:

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Housing costs with those working on low incomes are the main issues for me. :yes: There are people on low incomes who cannot afford to live in their current, privately rented properties without a huge dose of help. Under the current system landlords milk all they can get from housing benefit and set their rates accordingly. Where do these people go when they can no longer afford to live in their houses given that there is a chronic shortage of affordable/social housing in this country?

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The governments past and present are to blame. They have wasted more money than will ever be allocated to benefits. They too have made it easy for folk to sit at home and be paid for doing virtually nothing.


Too little too late IMO

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if they stopped or put a cap on all the foreginers coming in to the country and stopped all these robbing agencies taking part of wages for finding you part time work imo that wpould go a long way to helping the uk out .

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I think that the 26k figure includes housing costs (housing benefit and council tax benefit).


I agree with Malt, there certainly isn't enough social housing, and the modern craze for owning buy to let properties isn't helping either.


Regarding my comment about the contraceptive injection, I'm not sure that I would agree with it; I mentioned it as a discussion point. I do however, think that if people choose to have more children when they are claiming state benefits, they shouldn't get paid more money for them. Their choice to breed; their responsibility to pay.


I also think that child benefit should be abolished. Make the means tested benefits up to the same as CB and get rid of it. That way, the poor will be no worse off, and the rich will no longer receive a benefit that they don't need.

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  On 23/01/2012 at 12:07, flinn said:

Maybe they should be looking at Capping the amount of immigrants that are pouring past the uk borders, Capping there own and bankers wages first.

  On 23/01/2012 at 12:13, boyo said:

if they stopped or put a cap on all the foreginers coming in to the country and stopped all these robbing agencies taking part of wages for finding you part time work imo that wpould go a long way to helping the uk out .


Please, please, can we not make this an immigration/race issue. Save that for another thread.

Edited by R. Docks
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It seems that the safety net is there for those who mess their own lives up.

Perhaps if it was taken away people might start taking more responsibility for their choices in life, instead of expecting everyone else to pick up the pieces and support them.

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I think the 26 grand a year cap is more than fair then they could give a bit to such as me whos got no work now as the agency says i have worked longer than 12 weeks at the company i was at and they would have to set me on so instead have told me theirs no other work till another contract starts in a week or two and by the way i have worked all my fekin life and have paid 30 years stamps and cannot get one fekin penny out of them.Maybe its time these employment agencies were brought too book and working people were treat with the respect they deserve.

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