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my Rhode Isalnd Red x Light Sussex cockerels was 6 1/2 months yesterday, I picked the largest of the three before finally preparing him for the pot and should be ready in the next half hour :victory: .


what I can't understand is they have had good food on tap aswell as being free range around the garden, nearly everytime I look at them they have a crop on them. the strange thing is none are what I would call fat? I can't say they're thin either but definitely lean compared to one from the super market :hmm:..


am I doing anything wrong? should i leave them longer before culling them for the oven? this bird weighed a tad under 6.5LB gutted....





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alreet jasper , the thing about the supermarket birds they full of roids and from being hatched to 37 days later they on the shelves :shok: , a know fecking terrible :nono: , but high demands for meat , that cock looks healthy to me good amount of meat and healthy looking comb ! atb ryhope toma

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Nice one Guys cheers :notworthy: .. Nice to know I'm doing nowt wrong, I'll do one of the other two for next weekend now.


I'm used to the super market birds and seeing how fat they are which is really the reason I thought this bird looked so lean...


Just tucked the bird away after a late dinner and have to say what a cracking tasteing bird, the legs was the Darkest meat I have seen for a long while and the flavour is going to take some beating :thumbs: ....



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A free range bird is getting more excercise than a cooped up one mate..i done a couple for Moll a few week's back they where a bit fatter than that one but know where near the stamp of a shop bought one..the one's i done where kept in a 8ft x 6ft run and let out to range now and a gain..the ones that are supplied to supermarket's have very little room to move about in as they are over crowded for maximum yield..and pumped full of shite no doubt..

I did find the meat more rubbery though on a fresh culled bird..i wonder if it would be more tender once frozen for a while..

Either way i hope you enjoyed it.. :thumbs:


Edited to add Moll's where a different X breed.

Edited by Millet
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