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heads up,teckles

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had a teckel myself bout 10 year back suppose to be bred off the best stuff .NEVER AGAIN..would come away from fox if getting to much hassle of them.i,ll give them there due they hunt like fxck but get there knobs get stuck while going through sheep fencing ,plus when they get near a dry stone wall there fxcked,when i phoned the breeder and told him this problem he said not to worry they ,ll get over most obsticles or dig under,lol

Edited by crazyfrog
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<p>crazy frog you are right in what you say their legs are too short alot of dogs have bother with sheep fencing </p>

<p>not just teckels and given the amount of terriers that are use less a person would be nuts to take these teckels on</p>

<p>i got them for bunnies and they will hunt them well and give good voice steep ditches are a mountain to them</p>

<p>but their nose is as good as any we have plenty of terriers to dig but some do make decent dogs to fox in ground</p>

<p>jigsaw if you want a service i will put you in contact <img alt=";)" class="bbc_emoticon" src="http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png" title=";)" /></p>

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I recently returned from a week in Hungary. Teckels were used extensively to drive boar for rifles. I was also told about people who use them for digging fox and badger. This is an excellent entry from an excellent blog;




Bet there aren't many people who own terriers here well trained enough to lie down next to despatched quarry after a dig!


i have dug some in hungary on badgers and would not take them myself but those did a good job

imo they only forget to breed legs under them but for the rest can they be ok

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