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lurchers feet

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what's them purple crystals you can get from chemist to put in the water?

potasium permanganate if the spelling is right


Is that the stuff which tuffens the skin ? or pads in the dogs case ? I used to use something similar to hardent he skin on the feet to stop blisters

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what's them purple crystals you can get from chemist to put in the water?

potasium permanganate if the spelling is right


Is that the stuff which tuffens the skin ? or pads in the dogs case ? I used to use something similar to hardent he skin on the feet to stop blisters

if my memory is right alight pink sterilise's mountain water to drink and a deep purple colour can treat foot rot so it could do i'll have to look it up
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I usualy wash them in warm warm, salty water, then sometimes a soak in warm water and dettol solution.




Do you do this every time after you go out if not in what situation would you di it , ei 10runs


Wash them everytime the dogs have been working, not everytime they have been out for a walk !LOL ! Use the dettol solution if there is cuts or scrapes or signs of soreness around the nails.



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I wash my dogs feet with warm salt water every time I get back from a nights lamping but she's starting to get some sores down the side of a couple of her nail's think it's from bits of mud the water an salt don't get out

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