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No chance of 'The Phonecall'!

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.Woke to the alarm at 6 this morning, 10 hrs earlier the old feller had rung me to arrange going out today as usual, during the night the wind had blown up, and I was sure I was going to get the give it a miss call


No call as I walked the terriers in the gales at 6.20 am, no calls whilst I boxed the ferrets at 6.45am, out on the street at 6.59 am waiting for 4 minutes with the ferrets scratching in the box beside me, the spades, the nets, the box with the locaters and collars, the knife, the strap, my wellies, my waterproofs. Oh and my coffee.


At 7.03am the truck rolls round the corner as usual, talk sport blaring with Keith Arthurs fishing show on, and its another day on the rabbits. Same as the last 20 odd years on our permission.


Unlike the post from Ideation in this section explaining how it can get to be a drag on the same land, week after week, year after year, myself and the old feller never seem to tire of working this land.

I know I am lucky to hunt where I do, there's a good spread of varied land to go at, its always under threat from poaching, and the next up and coming rabbiteer. I could probably walk this land every day of my life if it fed me and paid the bills.


The old feller was surprised at the strength of the wind this morning, but not being one to give up, though we could get some sport. I agreed, and had prepared for a day on the slopes, maybee a bit windy, but what would you get done if you waited for the perfect day.


The two runners were in the truck, I brought a couple of jills with me, 'b*****d' the albino jill and the poley jill that someone had dumped in my yard back in Autumn.(there loss!).


Basically a day on the slopes, deep old warrens, not really ground for the runners, but they still nailed a few.


First few marks ended up being rushed net up jobs, nets getting blown off the holes, men getting blown over on the slippy slopes, dogs getting cussed for not sitting back, men missing holes whilst netting up, nets catching on twigs and opening up liberating already caught rabbits. Only positive thing to take from the firs few warrens was maybee 5 rabbits, and the poley jill was starting to shine..


She on her own had bolted a good few, even when 'b*****d' was ran through after to check, the warrens were empty.


She might get a name soon at this rate.




Got on to this warren next,






Fingers were crossed that any stickers were not under the rock! In went the the poley jill, ending with a bolt, a dig and an escapee whilst I was lifting the nets.

Should have waited whilst I boxed the ferret!

Very sloppy.

But once again the jill shone, she was well stuck into the dug rabbit, hitting the back of the neck.


Ended up on a couple of big old warrens next, took all 30 nets we had to cover most holes there on each one, in went the poley jill again, one by one showing the rabbits the door, another 6 inch dig resulting in a couple of rabbits being pulled out, (one a blacky) whilst she had her fun, and getting a bit better at nailing the rabbits behing the swede.






On to the next big warren, every net set, and still a lot of holes open. It was time to let 'b*****d' have her fun, ending up in the rain with 6 rabbits bolting until the warren was empty.




Dogs like a couple of bookends waiting for a run.


Got this bunny with a slight bluey tinge to it, usually get a few every year which are very blue, but this one was only a slight blue.




This had only just came down probs hours earlier.




By 2 pm we had had enough , and ended up calling it a day, 25 in the bag.




Decent day considering.

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that looks like it could be hard work at times mate ,but that never killed anyone enjoy your sport where ever you are,like you ,i have been going the same places for 50 years and never tire of them ,my granddad took me ,i take my grandkids,

circle of life,eh .

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Looks a great day, those warrens are differnt to what we have down here, its nice to see what other pleaces people do.


Some of my permission is the same as when my dad took me hunting as a nipper, been hunting the same land for best part of 30 years and i love it. You know it always surprises me, that I am still finding places on these spots which I have never ferreted also!!


Good hunting Sirius

Edited by Sirius
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