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Saluki x Whippet

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Do you not think it was a bit young to give up on ?   Cheers.

not if you have'nt got a clue what you doin, i'd say it's just the right age.hopefully it's gone to someone who will give it the time & training it deserves

this is my saluki whippet,, get some fun on the lamp with him,, fly as f**k

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just got rid of a saluki whippet bitch 21" at 7 months old fast as fook and catching rabbits but to timid and if she missed she wouldnt come back till she ruined the night give me a pure whippet anyday

Do you not think it was a bit young to give up on ?



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just got rid of a saluki whippet bitch 21" at 7 months old fast as fook and catching rabbits but to timid and if she missed she wouldnt come back till she ruined the night give me a pure whippet anyday

Do you not think it was a bit young to give up on ?



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just got rid of a saluki whippet bitch 21" at 7 months old fast as fook and catching rabbits but to timid and if she missed she wouldnt come back till she ruined the night give me a pure whippet anyday

Do you not think it was a bit young to give up on ?



not if you have'nt got a clue what you doin, i'd say it's just the right age.hopefully

it's gone to someone who will give it the time & training it deserves

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not a 1st x but close, dam my own 3/4saluki/ghd sire racing whippet. 21" 30lbs plenty of wind, will hunt anything , real slow bitch to mature, but once she did wow ,rats better than a terrier ,tackels them red things,munty the lot ,downside does nt like the cold ,poor thin coat ,


Edited by barnslyben
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Does anyone own or ever had one of these dogs.Just wonderd what hight they wer,and what their working ability was like

just had mine stolen,,they take a while to come round,,but fast nd can turn,, you cant wear them out,make good lampers,,
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