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hi would you say lamping a well bred courseing dog will ruin it

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saluki crosses make exellent lamping dogs.if anything its a good way of geting them fit for the big rabbits.

i was thinking that, if you put a coursing dog to a good lamp dog, you could end up with great pups for the lamping game.!plenty of stamina +drive

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It all depends on what you choose to do with it in the future? If you say you lamp most your dogs then i cant see the problem? But if you got the coursing bred dog to do the daytime then i'd hold back until you start taking it out daytime. Starting it off lamping could encourage it to pull up at fences and not go into cover and you'll need a dog to do go into cover through the day! ;) Hope this helps :thumbs:

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It all depends on what you choose to do with it in the future? If you say you lamp most your dogs then i cant see the problem? But if you got the coursing bred dog to do the daytime then i'd hold back until you start taking it out daytime. Starting it off lamping could encourage it to pull up at fences and not go into cover and you'll need a dog to do go into cover through the day! ;) Hope this helps :thumbs:


I'd agree to a certain extent: I like to get them catching by day first, and it teaches them the difference between big and small rabbits. I made that mistake of lamping small rabbits first, and the dog in question took a while to realise that big rabbits don't stop in hedges. Nowadays I get them going through cover by day first.

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I had a well bred dog so to speak myself some year's back..i used to walk him during the day bushing about then take him lamping on a night..i used to get him out pretty regular and never had any problem's with him focusing solely on any chosen task..

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