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I think it's a load of hot air though, I doubt they've got the stomach for a war.


looking at our armed forces even with the cuts we've some seriously state of the art equipment, Apache Helicopters, Predator UAVs, Eurofighter and Tornado and some of the most advanced Naval warships in the world not to mention the army are the best trained and very combat experienced due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


I recon we'd still give them a good kicking

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We cant even keep Britain British, let alone the Falklands !

lets not forget 30 years ago 200 + british soldiers lost there lives + argintine men , lets hope for a peacefull out come to this situation

it was on the news earlier, a load of argentine protesters hurling missiles at the british embassy,walking round looking tough if it does kick off,we wont see the fecking likes o them for dust

does it cost more to defend than its worth??? Yes but it's been an important strategic location for the UK for many years.


are we defending it because of the inhabatents??,, or because of mineral deposits?? Probably both but imagine how we would look if we gave it to them? Next would be Gibraltar...i.e. we would loose our standing in the orld if it was thought we would role over to any p*ss ant country.


if there were no mineral depostits,, would we defend it?? or would we just tell the argies they can have it,, and we will repatreate its inhabatents back here..??? Depends on the Government...Labour in the 1960s or 70s were making noises about it and that gave the Argies the confidence to try and take it...they thought we wouldn't try to get it back.

Edited by Nik_B
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i agree with evrybodys coments,, our lads died for that place 3o years back........................however,, its always supriced me that we do own it,, i think its mad,, its just like them owning sky,, or any island of our shores..


of course the inhabatants want to stay british.........they are brits that settled there,, so that goes with out saying realy...


should we fight for it,,,, well yes,,,, but in all honesty i dont think it should be ours

it belongs to the bennys that inhabit it, and they want to stay british not argentinian :thumbs:


yeh i said that........of course,,, but they are already british its like asking any of us,,, how do you fancy being an argie now......and we should defend it..........i agree with evrything evry one has said...............


but hand on heart,,, how can we own an island thats so far away of the coast of another country........does anyone think it would be fair for the argies to own an island of our coast???????


heres a few random questions,, that i dont know the answer to


does it cost more to defend than its worth???


are we defending it because of the inhabatents??,, or because of mineral deposits??


if there were no mineral depostits,, would we defend it?? or would we just tell the argies they can have it,, and we will repatreate its inhabatents back here..???

of course were defending it for the mineral deposites same as why the arab spring happend last year, however the locals want to stay under british soverignty so why shouldnt they,
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look i agree with you all, 100% its ours :thumbs:


but evrybody is coming up with the standard answers,, apart from the question,, if the boot was on the other foot, and they had one of our local isands???

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It's politics and the fact we were at war for decades with the IRA, defending the majorities rights to remain british.its neither here nor there where the geography of those people live.they want to remain Brits and therefore it's this nations obligation to honour and protect them. The argues want to have it,then they need to go through the proper channels and convince the islanders that they would be better of with them.however they won't accept that and IMO quite rightly so.possibly they may have got the island years ago if they hadn't invaded it.doing that only made us and them more patriotic and lessened there chances.all this sabre rattling and burning the union flag is only making us and the islanders more determined to hold onto it.

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look i agree with you all, 100% its ours :thumbs:


but evrybody is coming up with the standard answers,, apart from the question,, if the boot was on the other foot, and they had one of our local isands???

same answer there a no argies on the islands only bennys, so just because its close to argentina it belongs to them :hmm:
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yep evryboy keeps saying what the islanders want,,, and of course they want to stay british,,, they are british.


we put the islanders there for whaling or whatever,, i bet a good persantage are contractors from here,,,, they are british,, im not denying it....


for me its geography,, plain and simple............yes we defend it its ours..................i just dont think it should be ours in the first place,,,,,,,,,,,,,its not good using the argument like my mate max,,,, they never inhabeted it,,,, feck theres islands of our coast with no fecker on .............should they have that

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look i agree with you all, 100% its ours :thumbs:


but evrybody is coming up with the standard answers,, apart from the question,, if the boot was on the other foot, and they had one of our local isands???

same answer there a no argies on the islands only bennys, so just because its close to argentina it belongs to them :hmm:


of course theres no argies on it,,, there never was.... we just took it hundreds of years ago,,,, does that make it right.


again ,,,,, no body is answering the question.. if they had one of ours close to home???

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I kinda get your logic Tomo. But we live in a democracy and the maj rule. If we handed it back ignoring the islanders wishes,would be a mockery to democracy. As long as they keep wanting to be British we need to defend that. The island is just a pawn for bad blood between two nations. Look at other nations we owned they got their independence through the ballot in most cases.we might not be the great nation we once were,but we still have our pride and won't be intimidated by argues or anyone else.

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yep evryboy keeps saying what the islanders want,,, and of course they want to stay british,,, they are british.


we put the islanders there for whaling or whatever,, i bet a good persantage are contractors from here,,,, they are british,, im not denying it....


for me its geography,, plain and simple............yes we defend it its ours..................i just dont think it should be ours in the first place,,,,,,,,,,,,,its not good using the argument like my mate max,,,, they never inhabeted it,,,, feck theres islands of our coast with no fecker on .............should they have that

would depend how they went about it, just invading one night and calling it an argentian name probably would have the same reaction from britian as happend in the falklands, however if the aquired it by legal methods the reaction would be different
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I kinda get your logic Tomo. But we live in a democracy and the maj rule. If we handed it back ignoring the islanders wishes,would be a mockery to democracy. As long as they keep wanting to be British we need to defend that. The island is just a pawn for bad blood between two nations. Look at other nations we owned they got their independence through the ballot in most cases.we might not be the great nation we once were,but we still have our pride and won't be intimidated by argues or anyone else.


yes i think your right scot,,, we just dont want to take any shit :laugh: from the argies,,,, i think thats the top and bottom of it,,,,,,,,,,,,and minerals of course

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400 miles isn't that close. With that rational then The faroe Islands should be ours...hell why not even Iceland as well?


:laugh: :laugh: .. well thats one way to look at it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they are however 250 miles from, the argies not 400,,,, but how far are they from us???

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look i agree with you all, 100% its ours :thumbs:


but evrybody is coming up with the standard answers,, apart from the question,, if the boot was on the other foot, and they had one of our local isands???


The Falklands aren't even in Argentinian territorial waters Tomo. :no: Argentina has never had any claim to the islands, or even historical links. They have never owned them. :no: Their only claim to them is that they are the nearest country to them.


I wouldn't worry about any Argy intentions towards the islands though, even though we are stretched to the max. We still have the worlds second most powerful blue water navy, & there is a full squadron of Eurofighters, 1000 troops & at least one of these brand spanking new babies stationed there:





..plus we now have some of the worlds most advanced subs capable of deploying special forces any where they want on the prowl...



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