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Boar in France

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  On 21/01/2012 at 10:09, GrCh said:

how do you go about booking a trip to france to hunt boar?


I should imagine mark will sort that out in a package when hes sorted it all out while hes over there.


By the way have you ever thought of cutting the straps on that avatar of yours :tongue2:

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  On 21/01/2012 at 10:48, Caprelous said:
  On 21/01/2012 at 10:09, GrCh said:

how do you go about booking a trip to france to hunt boar?


I should imagine mark will sort that out in a package when hes sorted it all out while hes over there.


By the way have you ever thought of cutting the straps on that avatar of yours :tongue2:


i'd get banned.........AGAIN lol

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Well It was an exciting and very interesting week end.The Idea was to meet some new shoot owners and do a bit of shooting into the bargain. We ,that is My wife Susan and my host david left for France at 10.00am GMT and headed for the shuttle. After a quick and restful crossing I then drove down Towards Reilly north of Paris. The countryside is wonderful in that part of france. After a short break we went to Davids Mothers and step fathers for dinner in the farm house. Wonderful food and company and after made our way back to the Chattue to our room. Breakfast at 8.30 and met the hunters for the day, most who i had met before and introduced my wife as it was her first time on the shoot. After the safety talk we set off for the forest. There was a lot of shooting and we saw a lot of Roe I shot one and that made my trip. There were no boar around that day but it was still great fun. After the presentation of the Game we sat down for for a excellent meal and plenty to drink. The french do know how to party! I cant say I remember mush about anything after that until we woke up the next morning. David was ready to collect us and we headed towards Lyon's la Foret where we were both guests of Laurent who I had met on an earlier visit. At this shoot they start at 9.00am with dinner! Wine, starter, main, cheese sweet coffee the lot and as our area of the table were guns from the day at Rielly we did not tackle any wine at all, just the water. By this time I felt a lot brighter and we loaded up into the motors and off into some wonderful mature forest. I sat in my high seat and it was warm with the sun shineing, the shooting started and the sound of the hunting horns rang around the woods. Lots of shooting and 8 Roe but no boar shot. Lots of cheese and bread after and sausages cooked on an in door bbq . Great day. Tuesday was an early start with a trip down to Paris for a look at a Boar shoot where we are going to be taking clients this year as part of stalkinginengland.co.uk. We had a good look around with the Ranger. The damage to the ground is beyond belief huge areas turned over and they really have a problem in and around the local villages. We will be taking driven boar in this area without doubt. Then off to another shoot for lunch where they have a park with boar. We arrived just before the game was presented .After a very good lunch the game was handed out to the guns and after they had left we were shown around the park which was rolling forest and full of Boar. after thanking ours hosts we drove back to calies and home to norfolk. Great food great sport and great company. There is so much more to tell but you know how it is.


We made some good friends and cant wait to go back. I will post a few pics up shortly. Any one who is interested can PM as we have a day to fill for 15 guns in Feb for the park this year ( 18th and 19th if there is enough interest) and will be looking to let days from next November until Feb.





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