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A lightforce is also a lighter !

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Well had a horrible night tonight.We headed off at 11.30 for a few runs with the weather picking up and looking positive for a good night.We came to the first field where a few rabbits where sitting close in to the cover but they scampered off leaving a squatter a few meter from the cover.Slipped the beddy/grey on his way and he done well keeping it from the cover putting a few turns in, But as he ran it alongside the cover just about to strike the rabbit jinxed into the cover.We moved up onto the moor for a look about and the place was dead.To make matters worse all heavens opened up and we where soaked to the bone and the mutt looked like a drowned rat.We headed for the gorse to take shelter from the rain and have a fag but i had lost my fxxxing lighter so that topped it off for me.I lay under the gorse and lewis said try to light the fag with the lamp and i replied "Don't be f*****g stupid" lol.But i had too try i twisted the lens off and started too puff away and it light ! Needless too say it took me out my bad mood and gave me the determination to head down the road.


You win some you loose some.




Atb shaun :thumbs:

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Well after having a few downfalls through the night, A fag and a pit stop seemed to be the answer but going into your pocket and having a full deck of cigarettes and no lighter! Lol

Well on a positive note i am really pleased with the beddy/grey's obedience on the lamp it is spot on.



Atb shaun

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