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Rabbit Calling?


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quite a few videos on youtube people have just used their mouth, making a squeak like you to do to a dog. look at huntervermin on youtube, he has a lot of rabbiting vids and often does that squeak, seems to work most (if not every) times

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Calling rabbits works best when the female rabbit is milky.


If you make a call of a distressed rabbit they sometimes come to assist (mothers instint).


I dont ever do it as i dont shoot milky female rabbits, but i have witnessed my uncle do it many times when shooting the rabbits on his land.


If you are on about clicking rabbits to make their head pop up so you get a better shot, this is a very useful technique and i use it alot.



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I once burped one out of existence! I was prone watching a warren, having drunk a 600ml bottle of Pepsi Max, I saw one hop into the long grass at the edge, just as I felt the mother of all belches brewing, I could not keep it in, I belched, rabbit sat bolt upright, I got a good shot on and it dropped!

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I once burped one out of existence! I was prone watching a warren, having drunk a 600ml bottle of Pepsi Max, I saw one hop into the long grass at the edge, just as I felt the mother of all belches brewing, I could not keep it in, I belched, rabbit sat bolt upright, I got a good shot on and it dropped!



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ......what a gas

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As above, a lil squeek or a click of the tongue usually makes em sit up.


I have a "Squeaker" but I don't use it for rabbit's; I use it when I see a fox on my perms, just to see how close I can get them to come to me.



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hi Every one

this is how I call my rabbits in,they love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



































































"im a one man band" :laugh: :laugh:


they just dance around when I call em in with my tunes!!!! :laugh: :laugh:



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squeeking rabbits can be very effective when kits are about, i went to look at a rabbit job with a farmer in middle of day, he said obviously you wont see them this time of day, i said watch, started squeeking on back of hand and within seconds there were 9 rabbits sitting on top of the dyke looking to see whats about, i do this most times and you can prett much gaurentee a rabbit will appear,

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hi Every one

this is how I call my rabbits in,they love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










"im a one man band" :laugh: :laugh:


they just dance around when I call em in with my tunes!!!! :laugh: :laugh:




Very good Davy, you're gonna have to get a bigger bag to fit all that geat in!!


Nade, just a little squeek or kiss (like you're sucking up a really thin straw) should make um pay attention a bit!! I have heard some people doing this and thought they were blowing kisses to the rabbits!

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I bought a rabbit distress caller, its a small metal circle with a hole in the middle, you simply put your mouth over and blow. Works great! it works good for foxes aswell. I also use it for getting the rabbits out the holes, sit around 20 yards from the set and call it for around 20 seconds and they pop their heads out giving a clear headshot depending if there are any in there :p but if a rab has its head down not giving a clear shot a simple kissing like noise with your mouth works great like the posts above,

hope this helps regards,



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