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Bulldog rabbiting spade

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i recently bought one of flying foxes two piece spade/shove ldesigned for terrier work but perfect for ferreting also, fits in the net bag ,quick and easy to put together, very strong, cus through roots like butter and just the right size, i would recommend them. the wee mini bulldogs and the like can be handy but are just too small for me

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The Bulldog rabbiting spade is a great piece of kit for knocking small holes into tubes in shallow warrens, and prising rock out of the way to get to the tubes. Now the downside, the angle and size of the spade head make it only usefull in digs up to maybee 2ft deep, the small size of the blade makes it hard to move any decent amount of loose earth or sand in anything over this depth. Saying that, they are probably the best £30 you will spend on any piece of ferreting kit.

A chopped two way, or chopped roundmouth will cover all situations, and getting deep as well, maybee 4-5 ft without creating a mansized hole to get the ferret back.

Most folks dont understand, digging with the right spade is not hard work in some situations.

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Picture018-1.jpgi've used this one over 50 years ,its had a few new shafts and i bust it again a few days back,my grandpa gave a waterboard worker a hare for it all those years ago ,i must have dug thousands of rabbits with it ,hope to get it down to the size of a tea spoon ,before i shoot through.
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ok i can see where going to have to show our spades,, :laugh: ,, i got 4 in use,,, all difrent,,, got the bulldog rabbiter,, the bulldog roundmoth ,, terrier mans spade,, got the narrow bladed drainige spade with a thik heavy shaft,, and the little arrmy spade,, wich is great for clearing a hole.............its a fecker carrying all 4 round though :laugh:

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