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does this look like a fox

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  On 19/01/2012 at 18:40, Simoman said:
  On 19/01/2012 at 17:53, FightTheBan said:
  On 19/01/2012 at 17:50, Simoman said:
  On 19/01/2012 at 17:43, FightTheBan said:
  On 19/01/2012 at 16:20, Simoman said:
  On 19/01/2012 at 16:19, poacherspocket22 said:

May the lord give me f*****g strength!! Either that or get me to f**k out of this asylum haha. ATB Andy


Spot on Andy, THL is fast becoming like the titanic, all the good posters are loadng onto the lifeboats.........


And all the mongos are left playing the violin as it sinks into the abyss :yes:




Although the Titanic only lost 1,500 people, i think we could offload about 38,000.....


In all seriousness what percentage of thet 38,000 do you think are genuine?



It is scary to think there are that many retards out there interested to some degree in the sport :bad:




Of those 38,000 how many post? Out of those who post how many are worth reading? Bet when it boils down to it there are less than 50 folk who post regularly who are worth reading, whats that, about 0.12%...........Course thats a pesonal point of view, im sure thousands will read my posts and think mine aren't worth reading, swings and rounabouts...............

You need to put a like option up for the mods :yes:
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Looks like you were in a hide, f**k going shooting with you if you think thats a fox!..............get down to specsavers lively before you kill someone!

its a collie or collie x

I think that might be the farmers collie mate and don't think he would be too happy if u slipped ur dogs on it lol

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  On 19/01/2012 at 18:49, donkdaniel said:

This bullshit topic has given me an idea could all the mods get the top ten funniest things or most stupid things put up just for a laugh and we can all have a vote on the best one so simo how's about it would certainly give us all a laugh atb DONK


We had one or year or two ago :laugh:

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  On 19/01/2012 at 18:50, hullhunter said:

think its about time this site had a cull any one as thick as this prat should have there ip address band for life and all animals/guns taken off them.


can you imagine some of the stuff this clown must have killed.

He has put up some decent video's but this 1 is just acting the bollox :nono:
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  On 19/01/2012 at 18:53, donkdaniel said:

Surely there's enough content for a re- run simo?


More than enough, we could also add favourite quotes such as "hows it bread?"........" hair coresing"......."grayhound"........"salooki"......."wheeten"........"dear"......the list is endless

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  On 19/01/2012 at 18:56, Simoman said:
  On 19/01/2012 at 18:53, donkdaniel said:

Surely there's enough content for a re- run simo?


More than enough, we could also add favourite quotes such as "hows it bread?"........" hair coresing"......."grayhound"........"salooki"......."wheeten"........"dear"......the list is endless

Ah doont doo tahat ye well meke a swoh off mee
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  On 19/01/2012 at 18:46, morton said:

Im waiting for the lamping in daylight with Stevie Wonder next.


You've missed it,a while back runforyourlife started a thread about lamping during the day.


Another THL classic. :icon_redface:

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When the Mods see a post like this, they should delete the post, the member and the I.P. Why ? Because the poster is obviously a retard who shouldn't be allowed near a computer unsupervised; or is an anti, trying for a bite !! How could anyone who has the brains to be able to join a site, and put up a post, think that could be a fox ???




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  On 19/01/2012 at 20:17, chartpolski said:

When the Mods see a post like this, they should delete the post, the member and the I.P. Why ? Because the poster is obviously a retard who shouldn't be allowed near a computer unsupervised; or is an anti, trying for a bite !! How could anyone who has the brains to be able to join a site, and put up a post, think that could be a fox ???





to be far i dont think anyone gives a crap what gets posted on here of how it makes us as hunters look anymore as long as there getting there check for the adverts at the top then they are happy.


ffs the site is linked to foolsbook so what dose that tell you.

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