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That's the thing whin I don't run mine on massive fields mostly hilly terrain small sheep fields thay do well on this stuff just like a sprinter don't get any skinny 100 m runners do you but I don't think mine would do well on big open land tbh I need a dog that can handle all game and get the job done quickly and efficiently and that suit me down to the ground atb chris

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SOME GOD REPLYS and decent coments , but breeding does have a big bearing on the outcome,. 1st gens and do not posess the minerals has those from a breeding program from time and tested stock . somre throw more to the bull and needs to choose the type required for the work expected of the said animal . Have experience of tested animals from good lines and one can get good animals with a degree of wind and running nouse , HAVING WITNESSED ANIMALS THAT COULD TAKE THE FULL SPECTRUM OF GAME AND QUARRY FROM THE BULL X ,day or night there can be found some gooduns . Seen the feet on some suffer but where we run all xs have suffered to some degree over aperiod of time with season after saeason of work on nothing but stony flinty type land . WHat i see in a good bull type if one gets 5 good winters from them one can not grumble , most would fall by the way and be wanting in departments wher the right bx excells , to many has in all types seem to think because a breed complys to that type it will do for breeding , this his oh so wrong , there his and has been ample opportunitys for bx fans to use quality studs with breeding to try and achieve there goal but no they go off on down the route to the f1 from mainly inferior stock . BEAR IN MIND IF I WAS LOOKING FOR A SALUKI TYPE WOULD I OPT FOR A F1 no not a chance theres 25plus yrs of breeding out there to choose from fast types all types of the cross to suit the individual requirements, just has there his for the bx fan . atb bunnys.

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they would not be my ideal cross but i know some lads have had decent racy ones but most you see are too heavy and no good for anything.you have to remember no good being hard as f**k and not being able to catch anything ,ideally a 3/4grey 1/4bull from proven lines will be hard to beat :thumbs: imo

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