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mk 3 collers wont stay on

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As Lawrence said... Jus use a small screwie, like the ones for specs, and make a hole in between every hole. I would avoid the harness route as I think it would catch up more than the collar would. I rather walk away from a dig with me ferret, than dig to a dead hung up ferret, whos to say you would make the dig for the collar any way, at least you got your best worker back.....

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if its coming of your not putting it on tight enough, stick a load more holes in the collar, slide the receiver down a bit more. don't like the sound of the chest advice, i would forget that.


Thats what I did to the Mark3m collar, and it fits my jill fine, just heat a nail up on a gas ring and make extra holes,

make sure its really tight when putting it on, and dont put it on the chest, if you dont want a long bit of the collar protruding get a spare leather collar and make your holes, then cut it to size.

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can't believe anyone would send a ferret down a hole with a harness on to be honest!

why? if theres no line or rope on the collar whats wrong?

the bit that connects the collar to the chest bit must carry a high risk of getting snagged up, and if a collar gets snagged up there's still a chance the ferret might be able to get it off, it ain't getting a harness off if that gets snagged up!


If your ferret is one of those that keeps trying to get its collar off, buy a normal collar and leave that one it when it's in the hutch, it'll get used to having a collar on then and when you swap to the locator collar when taking them out it'll be used to the feeling of having a collar on so won't be so obsessed with trying to get it off :thumbs:

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