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Selling things as a gift through pay pal.(charges.)

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When you sell things through paypal, do you ask the buyer to buy as a gift so that no chargers are incurred.


Ive had charges before, just cant remember what payment option the buyers used so that i didnt loose out by paying the charge myself.

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Is that not how pay pall get paid mate through charges did not no there was any way around it when your buying or selling pay pall is a protection sight for money received or payed if ther is is away round it and u u find out please advise me thanks ?

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Im not too sure you would be insured if things go tits up if money sent as a gift. You might need to look at that.


ps i was advised by a knowledgable member on here that paypal refuse anything to do with shooting. Jus saying.

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think it depends on whether you are sending /or recieving moneys and where from in the world , automatic currency exchange into gbp, it can be expensive ,but i think still cheaper than the banks especially were foreghn currency reieved or payed is concerned ,i know it varies if i sell stuff to the states i do loose out on final payment due to there charges. i just put a bit on the price and hope i come out ok ;)

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E bay charge 14 percnt i think on sales.

p pal also charge.

just trying to find a way round things.


There isn't a way around it, you might be ok for a while, but if they see any number of transactions going through your account avoiding their fees they will suspend your account, with no notice.


The problem I had was that they would not believe I made my own gear and sold it, they were insistent that I must buy it in to re sell, so they locked my account with a few hundred quid in, I rang them and kicked off so they terminated my account, forever, it took me 180 days to get my money back off them.

They can do what they like, it's all in the small print you agree to.


Never again.

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yep you can not get away from paying any charges on paypal now and yes it is right if it gets lost and you tell them it was gun parts or any thing to do with guns in any description they will not honour the pay back system, it used to be just this country they did but now they have so it is world wide, i was going to buy a scope from the states the seller wanted paypal ok i thought then i get a mail from paypal telling me they will not cover the cost of the item as they have found it is a gun part,,,,,,,i phoned them on their customer service number and said to them the item is a scope it does not fire it can not be loaded and the only way it could harm some body is if you hit them with it.......was told by the girl on the phone it goes on a gun therefore a gun part then she hungup on me.



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A scope is not a gun part, it can be used on a telescope too (for aligning on the stars you wish to observe), it is an optical device so paypal are making it up as they go along. Something they are noted for as well! It is possible to gift pay through paypal, but as stated before, you start getting a lot of gifts and they will be down on you like a ton of the proverbial!


Paypal are nothing but a bunch of crooks who try their hardest to get out of their obligations and will even break their own rules doing so!

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