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what are your opinions and thoughts on whether a dog or bitch works best for you ?

reason i'm asking, is - i was talking to a chap the other day and we got on the subject of working dogs and bitches, and he said he prefers to work dogs because he feels he's to hard vocally and in temprament to work bitches, and he feels for that reason he does'nt get a good response, and cant get the best out of working bitches. cheers,


all the best,

jay. :thumbs:

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Dogs for me. Cant be arsed if you get a bitch who comes into season when your half way through the shooting season. No use to me.

Like the stronger athletic frame of dogs as well for speed, swimming and jumping abilities too.

Down side is dogs can be dirty b*****ds and some tend to piss wherever they like..... :censored:

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ive got both, dogs tend to be stronger in general and as already mentioned no seasons, loyalty wise carnt tell any difference.the same with training no difference. if i could only keep one it would be dogs.

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dogs all the time, get the right dog, and just as loyal + bidable as any bitch. And you aint got all agro when they are in season, and alot of bitches even after there season(heat) take a while to get to the level they were before.! I had a bitch for 14 years, she was great worker, but her heat did affect a month after.

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I find bitches more biddable, but to be fair my dogs aren't far behind.

A lot reckon that the opposite gender of the owner works best, not sure why.


With regard to the OP and a harder voice possibly being too much for a bitch; I think that's more to do with the breed mix. Eg anything with a bit of bull in it seems to have a more robust temperament than other breeds and do better with a firmer owner.

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I think you will get good and bad examples of both. I would say my preference would always be bitches i find they are more loyal to me and respond better to my command and a little less head strong, however i do agree with lab-tastic it is really frustrating when they come into season. The best working dog i have ever seen was a bitch her prey drive was simply incredible and she was every bit as powerful as a dog.

Bitches every time for me.

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