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T Bars Take a Look.

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Guest dee mac

and rebel pack take a bit of the point of that bar it only needs tapered a wee bit and the end should be blunt if that were too slip into a tube while using a barryvox too a bellman collar you d be out 80 quid for new collar or even worse a terrier skewered throungh the neck :thumbs:

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Alot of lads we would drop in for a days hunting with dont have them in there kit, we always have one along with other tools that are not always used on every dig, if you read the thread from the begi

neil,im going to be civil here but what an arrogant statement,tut tut tut .Your telling me you go out without a bar.....its you I would think, that hasnt learnt enough over the years.I hope the B&amp

in over 30 years Ive never seen nor heard of a dog being injured with a t bar.At what force would you be pushing through the ground to injure an animal,lol.Impossible Id say to happen unless your ramm

Rebel, no ones argueing. It's called debating, LOL.

Dee you mention young terriers. Most of us hand pick the places we drop our novice terriers into, ie. handy spots.

Do you not think you learn / hear as much about your terrier by listening at an entrance instead of sticking a bar down to where the terrier is ?

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and rebel pack take a bit of the point of that bar it only needs tapered a wee bit and the end should be blunt if that were too slip into a tube while using a barryvox too a bellman collar you d be out 80 quid for new collar or even worse a terrier skewered throungh the neck :thumbs:


Congrats mate, your the first one! :toast: !!i knew there would be a comment or too about that!!!


Your very right, i agree, no panic, it will be having some angle grinder treatment when i get a moment, didnt have it in my heart to tell my mate who done it it was on a tad on the spear side, seeing as he done it for nothing.


RP :laugh:

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Guest dee mac

yes this is true neil when first entered there spots are picked but they gradually get tougher we entered a young dog sunday past in a big place dog has had about five digs up utill this and was yet too make much noise but always dug with a good result so it was decided too give him a go for two reason s one too see how he coped with having too find in a big place and 2 did he learn too use his voice as time ticked and after about 15 mins we got mark 2.0 nothing could be heard we pushed the bar in at the mark it never got in as it s only 3 foot but when ear was pushed too it wee could hear young dog faintly working his game we only had dig shaped and first foot off checked again the move was on 15 mins later he had it pushed too far side of earth at 0.7 we did nt need bar this time as he could be heard working clear as a bell he got job done and we were very happy with way he performed so as you can see if you have it you might not use it but its alwyas there if you do need it horses for courses neil

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Horses for courses indeed Dee.

Personally I wont let a bar be used to one of my terriers unless the collars failed or been pulled off. If rocks are an issue it's a different type of bar used.

They don't help a terrier in any way .

Shovels, locators and good terrier work do however.

Edited by neil cooney
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i like to use the T bar as its a quick way of finding the tube in most types of ground, wouldnt be with out mine its stainless steel at12mm for shaft and 16mm for handle made free of charge by a goo mate, the only gripe is that it would have been alot stronger if all 16mm!!

but cant complain really?!!


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Guest dee mac

neil a bar can be over used by some lads granted but a small bar hole pushed into the tube for the purpose of listening too whats happening can be usefull imo plus i ve heard lads says it upsets the quarry and it can move well in my opinion if thats the case its the dogs the prob is with not use of bar and then there s the actual digging to the dog with both dog and quarry knowing that someone is on there way onto the top of them so thats when the pressure will be on so when you step back and look at whole picture its not really a drastic thing too do plus ever open too a dog wedged tight i a shale earth with tube blockes frount a back with maybe tubes running too side of dog as well only for the bar in these situation we d of ended up with nothing instaed of quary being accountted for

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Personally neil I think your being very arrogant and dismissive of people who use a bar. If u don't like it that's fine but there are others who find them very handy tools. I use a bar on EVERY dig,and wouldn't go to an earth without one. As dee says, horses for courses, every man has their own way of doing things.

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