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Hey all, I am new to the site and would love to hear about your dogs!


I have a 18 month old lurcher bitch, collie/ greyhound x saluki/greyhound. She was a late starter (due to living in a town when first got her, now live in country again) she is ever so keen on the lamp, and as she proved the other night she can turn a rabbit inside out. Although we find her strange as she seems to go tearing up to the rabbits like a lunatic, so she deffinately has the speed but she will chase an chase and chase right behind it and not strike and when she does sometimes its too late :/ As alot of people say, the more you take a dog out the more experience they will have and the better they will get. Each time we take her out she is progressing and her striking is improving too so im quite happy with her :) (she seems to be maturing late, still very puppyish) When she catches a rabbit as soon as its dead, no matter how much you try to wind her up shes just not interested. We tried a bit of work with her on the lure to help with her striking and she just stood there as the rabbit was dragged under her nose. She will chase the lure but wont touch it. She sees an alive rabbit and she raving! :) shes even really keen when she sees birds haha As long as she is improving i am happy, and each time we take her out she seems a little better than the last time so its always a good result :D Although any advice or tips to help her improve a bit quicker would be great :) she still needs alot of work, which im doing with her, but im not as experienced as some people so any tips is a plus ;)


Also if ayone could help me by telling me how to post pics? once i find out i will upload one of her. Think you have to use photobucket to resize them? but dont know how to use it? haha Would love to see your dogs too so post ya pics :D

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Welcome Wilow.

Sounds like your bitch is a typical example of its breeding, collie blooded dogs can be a bit late with a strike as youngsters, with some even trying to trap with thier feet first. Salukis too, love the chase but can sit back to choose their moment for a strike, you may think it should have happend at various times during the run but they know when the time is right. In both cases mate, don't worry, it sounds like your bitch is slow to mature but thats never a bad thing.

My advice would be firstly, give up that lure nonsense! It will only confuse a yougster and will teach her nothing but bad habbits, niether will it improve anything, a lure simply cannot match real work.

The bottom line is work and plenty of it! get her out as much as possible BUT seek out places where rabbits are plentiful, where she has the opportunity to run plenty in one outing. Look to putting the beam on the easiest rabbits, (usually the furthest out), so as to give her the most success, you need to build confidence in your bitch, she needs to know she can take rabbits easy and with that both her strike will improve and she will mature and settle.


Best of luck and keep us posted. ;)

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thankyou for te help and tutorial :) Bosun11: thanks for the tips, this is what we have been doing really, we gave up with the lure almost straight awway as shes just not interested in it lol, but she seems to be improving each time w take her out so its obviously working, and like u say she needs more work and more experience :) at the moment im only able to take her out a few times a week but we mostly go to a big open field where there is plenty of easy runs. Although the other day we took her out ad had nothing on way back dropped by a little field where one was sitting, i walked her out and let her go once she saw it, she jumped a dyke twice and she pushed it off its hole twice (as the hole was on top of the ground) and she turned it and turned it inside out and caught it. :D it was such a good run i was so pleased, and i was also pleased that she jumped the dyke rather than stop as ive known a dog to do that and its so frustrating haha. so hopefully just plenty more work and she'll get better and better ;) thankyou again. Also she looks down the lamp but dosen't focus down the lamp if that makes sense, so if there is a squater she dosen't see it until it moves. any tips on getting her to focus more? or will this just come from experience too?

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nice dog that dude :) pretty. got betta pic of mine now, those others were crap lol :) went for walk locally tonight just for a bit of a walk and work on the lamp if not anything else really and found a few good slips and came home with two bunnies :) she run them well.

Edited by willow93
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