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why shar pei?

something different lol

grate nose becouse most are blind by the time there 3 becouse of rolls lol ! heeps of hart and very loyal .my brothers dog was the first f1 cross we keeped its the choc bitch at the bottom

breed from blue tonge shar pai that were imported not show breed shit every one knows they f**k anything they touch.

we breed away from rolls over eyes also there skin is thick and dosnt rip like most dogs if they catch the pointy end also easy to fix if they do and only skin rips and not normaly deep .

she was a cracker of a dog so we got 2 more the cattle xs from a differnt line mine got taged by a red bell black snake on a dam at 20 weeks one of my other brothers has the brother in the pic so crossed it with my red nose and got the catte /shar pai /pit and just breed best to best type of breeding with some of our mates as well shar pai is in a lot of our dogs never ment for it. it just happend


biggest draw backs we have found is there skin problems and they lose condition real fast if hunted to hard or in cold weather


i wont to put a wolf hound in the line next when we need more dogs to get a bit more leg in them ours are more suited to the thick shit and blackberrys

Edited by red pit boar dog
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