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''Guns should be kept in a gun club''

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its called spin,a trait adopted from our colonial cousins. to be fair its always been used,but the yanks made it a proffesion.


Got a book for Christmas called 'Flat Earth News', written by an Nick Davies, an award winning journalist etc...

Brilliant read, shows exactly how things are kept out of the media and how most stories are either bought from the press association, or recycled from the Internet having been fluffed up a bit.


have a look for that mate.


I'd give you it if you were closer... Brilliant read mate well worth it. He also set up a website www.flatearthnews.net (haven't looked yet), but have a look at the 'heroin arguement'.

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she is entitled to her opinion,at least she aint saying ban them.


Fair one, I don't understand why the reporter asked her a question that is obviously going to be answered in the negative?

Yep, if a reporter asked a mum how she felt about cars after her little lad had been killed by one, I doubt the repsonse would be indifferent or positive.

The thing is, no-one ever gets a reporter about a kid/person getting killed in a car accident, simply because it isn't 'news'.

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Something that interests me is how many of these murders that were done by shooting would have happened if the killer had to get up close with a knife or a hammer or similar?


Is it that it's easier to kill multiple victims with a gun, do people change when they've got a gun in their hands, I'd say some do.

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Something that interests me is how many of these murders that were done by shooting would have happened if the killer had to get up close with a knife or a hammer or similar?


Is it that it's easier to kill multiple victims with a gun, do people change when they've got a gun in their hands, I'd say some do.


Good point mate, yes definately it's a different story when you feel what you're doing as opposed to simply pulling a trigger.

Having said that some of these people have just snapped, so would it make a difference? We'll probably never know...

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Something that interests me is how many of these murders that were done by shooting would have happened if the killer had to get up close with a knife or a hammer or similar?


Is it that it's easier to kill multiple victims with a gun, do people change when they've got a gun in their hands, I'd say some do.


Good point mate, yes definately it's a different story when you feel what you're doing as opposed to simply pulling a trigger.

Having said that some of these people have just snapped, so would it make a difference? We'll probably never know...


Part of what I meant was did they snap because they had access to firearms, you're right, we'll never know but what came first the gun or the fantasy of blowing his whining wife's head across the kitchen?


I have neither a gun nor a wife just in case anyone was wondering ha hah.

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Something that interests me is how many of these murders that were done by shooting would have happened if the killer had to get up close with a knife or a hammer or similar?


Is it that it's easier to kill multiple victims with a gun, do people change when they've got a gun in their hands, I'd say some do.


Good point mate, yes definately it's a different story when you feel what you're doing as opposed to simply pulling a trigger.

Having said that some of these people have just snapped, so would it make a difference? We'll probably never know...


Part of what I meant was did they snap because they had access to firearms, you're right, we'll never know but what came first the gun or the fantasy of blowing his whining wife's head across the kitchen?


I have neither a gun nor a wife just in case anyone was wondering ha hah.


I've got both! I think some will do it no matter what, whereas some won't if they didn't have access to guns.

But there's no way to tell beforehand, so why worry about something that can't be controlled? Sounds a bit callous but I think it's true to some extent.

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Something that interests me is how many of these murders that were done by shooting would have happened if the killer had to get up close with a knife or a hammer or similar?


Is it that it's easier to kill multiple victims with a gun, do people change when they've got a gun in their hands, I'd say some do.


The Daegu subway fire was a mass murder-suicide on February 18, 2003 which killed at least 198 people and injured at least 147. An arsonist set fire to a train stopped at the Jungangno Station of the Daegu Metropolitan Subway in Daegu, South Korea.


Lots of people murdered no guns used.


As for people changing with a gun in their hands. I agree, most people become a lot more careful.

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In the last year there have been a shocking number of family killings but only one with guns. In fact just the day before yesterday there was another instance of a guy killing his wife and child, another child survived. Once again the neighbours told the news people that he was a lovely guy etc etc.


Why can't the media focus on the reasons why rather than the tools used?

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As for people changing with a gun in their hands. I agree, most people become a lot more careful.


Couldn't agree more. I'm much more careful how I live my life now. I wouldn't even risk driving home after a pint and would think twice before getting in to any kind of altercation with anyone. Just isn't work the risk of losing my licence.


Funny how I always think about my licence (not my guns) in the strangest of situations....yesterday I was doing some training with the dog off lead in a tennis court. This guy just walked straight in with his wife, dog and kid so they could play. I was a bit cheesed off as I am working on his heal work and he's not 100% steady when there are other dogs around. Obviously a thick tw*t or ignorant not to have just asked first as I would have gladly moved in to another court. I was going to say something but in the back on mind mind I weighed up the possibility of an arguement and decided against it.

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it comes as no surprise that reporters focus on a crime committed by a licensed firearm they have an agenda that involves the removal of all firearms from public ownership and if they can label us all as "gun nuts" then so much the better, funny though isn't it that the police are running an operation at the moment to try and stop black on black shootings yet that has been poorly covered by the news there are killings every week by guns that have been removed from legal ownership but those crimes never make the papers or tv because it is an embarrassment to the plod.

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Something that interests me is how many of these murders that were done by shooting would have happened if the killer had to get up close with a knife or a hammer or similar?


Is it that it's easier to kill multiple victims with a gun, do people change when they've got a gun in their hands, I'd say some do.


Good point mate, yes definately it's a different story when you feel what you're doing as opposed to simply pulling a trigger.

Having said that some of these people have just snapped, so would it make a difference? We'll probably never know...


Part of what I meant was did they snap because they had access to firearms, you're right, we'll never know but what came first the gun or the fantasy of blowing his whining wife's head across the kitchen?


I have neither a gun nor a wife just in case anyone was wondering ha hah.

Dont worry about it......i'm sure in time when your ready and your feeling like it you'll turn that corner and yes you will get a gun................. :laugh:

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