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Wildlife and Habitat Enhancement

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I am involved in rivers and the recreation of spawning beds for Brown Trout. The projects involve opening out over grown streams to allow light in to promote photosynthesis which intern encourages invertebrates which feed fish. This is all back breaking work and also very secretive :ninja: because of the risk of poaching.

Many farming practises have damaged natural reproduction of our native Browns and in the south east they need all the help they can get.

I've also been involved in a couple of other projects but I fear these are just a waist of government money.


Well done to you the more people (sportsmen) who see and act as to how to benefit all Wildlife the better.

we all need to get away from this I have paid my money and i am entitled to take attitude,our syndicate operates a system if your prepared to get stuck in and involve yourself in work parties your also deserve the right to control the wildlife in a balanced way to benefit it . If more had the attitude as you have in what you do we would see better quality and more healthy animals and other wildlife as the correct type of foods and habitat will be in place.


Well done to you. keep it up.


Thanks. Thing is people become blinkered and can not see a bigger picture. And by this I mean a future in the sport they are involved with. Not only this you make contacts, gain trust which in return gains permission and this is sometimes hard to come by.


Oh so very true :thumbs:

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