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Of the various Crow calls on the UK market, which one is best ??


I've had a search through this site and the ACME call gets a mention, and is one of the cheaper ones.

Is there any difference between them, are they all much the same, any advice/comments appreciated.


There seems to be more Jackdaws around this year than in previous years.

And how do they manage to drop down a 8" dia chimney, for about 15', and then get out again.

Must be part of the Jackdaw SAS Display Team.


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this is the call i use.


its made by a company called acme (didnt thay make all the kit in bugs bunny cartoons? :hmm: ) and i bought it at a fair for less than a fiver. It works very well by you gripping a reed between your teeth to vary the call sound. Takes a little getting used to as you have to release the grip during the call to vary the pitch. It sounds very realistic and i have called in many corvids with it, even magpies come in to have a look but you cant re-produce their rattling call, sadly. for a fiver it has to be worth a go ;)

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I bet it sounds more like the Road Runner than crow. :)

ACME products



it honestly sounds like the real bird once youve got the hang of it. if you listen to it with your eyes closed you wont be able to tell the differance. you do need to however listen to the birds and then have a play away from your hunting ground to mimic them. this is true of all manual calls

Edited by mole catcher
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